Source: ADM 1/14713 Request for
payment of climate pay to minesweepers serving in North Russian
From: The
Senior Officer, Sixth Minesweeping Flotilla
Date: 3rd
May 1942
The Rear Admiral (Destroyers), Home Fleet
Copy to: The
Senior Officer, First Minesweeping Flotilla
Lying Money
It is submitted that in view of the uncomfortable
and unhealthy living conditions which are experienced in HM Ships
of the Sixth Minesweeping Flotilla, consideration may be given to
the granting, as a permanent measure, of Hard Lying Money at the
full rate for these ships.
increase in complement beyond the numbers for which these ships
were originally designed, by the addition of specialist ratings
for Asdic operation and in some cases for RDF, has led to a
condition in the messes of extreme overcrowding. It is now
impossible in HMS HARRIER for instance, for all the members of the
same messes to sit down to a meal together, and a system of
feeding in relays is the only alternative to a proportion of the
ratings eating their meals standing up or in corners, owing to
lack of table space. In addition, there is room only for 75% of
the ship’s company to sling their hammocks;
for the remainder the only spaces available are benches and
tables, and this is a serious disadvantage at sea in a ship which
is naturally ‘lively’.
The discomfort of this congestion are not mitigated
by the considerable ‘sweating’ on the mess decks when ships are at
sea. Upper deck ratings have regularly come off watch during the
winter with extremely cold hands, faces and feet into a tepid and
humid atmosphere and the water drips steadily onto their hammocks,
bedding and gear and on to the mess decks.
These conditions are aggravated while the Flotilla
is employed in North Russia, in the case of some ships for over
three months at a stretch. Although ships have first been fitted
out for Arctic service and the warm clothing supplied has been
excellent, conditions in North Russia have been very severe; apart
from an occasional visit to a cinema and a little skiing, the
amenities ashore have been virtually non-existent with the result
that ship’s companies have been thrown almost entirely upon their
own resources to amuse themselves on board.
In spite of this, the general standard of behaviour
has been very high and the normal atmosphere of cheerfulness has
not deteriorated; this it is submitted is all the more reason why
favourable consideration should be given to the matter.
It is understood that similar conditions obtain in
HM Ships of the First Minesweeping Flotilla.
(Signed) E P HINTON
Senior Officer, Sixth Minesweeping Flotilla
July 1942
Commander in Chief, Home Fleet
Forwarded. I had been awaiting the remarks of the
Senior Officer, First Minesweeping Flotilla but in view of the
time that must elapse before they are received, it is recommended
that this application be considered now.
I consider that the payment of Hard Lying Money at
full rates is fully justified; and from personal contact with the
ships concerned I am satisfied that the living and sleeping
conditions, particularly whilst engaged in Arctic Waters, are not
superior to those experienced in a trawler on normal service. At
present hard lying money at half rates is being paid to Officers
and men in all vessels of the First and Sixth Minesweeping
Furthermore, it is requested that consideration be
given to extending the clauses of the Articles to include these
vessels when they are operating in Northern Waters.
The question of extending these allowances to
destroyers is being investigated.
Rear Admiral (D) Home Fleet
Home Fleet
July 1942
Forwarded for the favourable consideration of Their
I consider the payment of Hard Lying Money at full
rates to vessels of the First and Sixth Minesweeping Flotillas to
be fully justified, also that payment should be retrospective to 1st
January 1942, and continuous during periods temporarily outside
North Russian Waters subject to reservation in K R & A I Article
1638 Para 1D.
It is also considered that climate pay at the rates
laid down … should be paid to all vessels operating north of
latitude 65° North and east of longitude 25° East, between 1st
December and 30th April.
Jack C Tovey
Extract from
The Senior Officer, Sixth Minesweeping Flotilla’s Report of
Proceedings … of 17th May 1942, covering period 15th
March to 5th May 1942.
Conditions during the past four months.
19. Ships’
Companies have had to compete with severe cold on deck, and
discomfort between decks owing to overcrowding and the considerable
sweating and dripping of the bulkheads and deckheads. Their mails
have necessarily arrived at infrequent intervals. Owing to local
atmospherics it has frequently been impossible for them to hear the
wireless news or programmes. Facilities for recreation ashore, with
the exception of the cinema at Polyarnoe and the sports referred to
above (skiing, skating and a few games of football), have been
negligible, and they are unable to get a drink ashore. Conditions at
se have generally been arduous and not infrequently dangerous. In
harbour they have had air raids and alarms on a scale which is
increasing. Nevertheless they have been remarkably cheerful and
uncomplaining. It is submitted that serious consideration should be
given to the payment of Climate Pay in the winter months and Hard
Lying Money at the full rate throughout the year.
To: The
Commander in Chief, Home Fleet.
I am to
acquaint you that Their Lordships are not prepared to modify the
decisions communicated by Admiralty Letter CW/M/S0915?41 of 25th
June 1942 as regards the payment of hard lying money at full rates
to officers and ratings serving in vessels of The First and Sixth
Minesweeping Flotillas while employed in Northern Waters.
The question
of Climate Pay is under active consideration.
(Signed) T
Payment of Hard Lying Money at Full Rates
From: The
Senior Officer, First Minesweeping Flotilla, HMS BRAMBLE
Date: 12th
June 1942
To: The Rear
Admiral (D), Home Fleet
1.Shortly after my
arrival in North Russia on 31st October 1941, I signalled
a number of requests, amongst which was that the payment at full
rates of Hard Lying Money to Minesweepers in North Russia should
receive favourable consideration.
2. The basis at that
time for the request was the acute discomfort caused by the extreme
cold in ships unfitted for Arctic Service, and also the almost total
lack of any form of recreation.
3.It is understood
that this request was forwarded by The Commander in Chief, Home
Fleet to Their Lordships, with his concurrence. It is understood
also that some delay at the admiralty has occurred because the
papers have been mislaid. a further application for this matter to
be favourably considered, or at any rate some decision arrived at
after nine month’s delay, is therefore submitted.
4.The grounds on
which it is resubmitted are not entirely the same since extreme cold
is not now experienced. On the other hand almost total lack of
recreational facilities still exists. In harbour ships are berthed
in an open anchorage off a barren, rocky coast, in which if the
weather is bad boatwork is impossible; if the weather is good
bombing is frequent. Ships get an opportunity of being alongside
about three days a month, and may then be lucky enough to see a
cinema performance.
5. The food
situation, no matter to what extent Minesweepers top up before
leaving the United Kingdom, is becoming increasingly difficult since
(a) No
cruisers now come to North Russia
Misfortune occurs to the food ships of the convoy e.g. in the last
convoy out of the four food ships, two were sunk and the provision
hold of another was bombed.
(c) What
food does arrive now has to be shared with a large number of active
service and Merchant Navy survivors.
(d) Ships
from the Western Approaches Command arrive unstocked.
(e) Local
supplies have virtually stopped.
This has
resulted in minor forms of rationing in all ship in order to eke out
supplies of potatoes, canteen stores etc. Even so some ships have
had no potatoes for weeks.
6.It is not desired
to exaggerate the difficulties under which ships are at present
working, which were expected and which are accepted in entirely the
right spirit, but it is considered that the above facts amply
justify the payment in full of Hard Lying Money, even in wartime.
7.Comparisons may be
odious but it is human nature to compare and the following
comparison is being drawn. On the one hand American merchant ship
crews, which include a small number of United States Naval Officers
and ratings, receive double pay plus a months pay from Russian
sources when operating in North Russia, and the Russian Navy grant
extra pay to officers and ratings when serving in North Russia; and
on the other hand a request for the payment in full of a recognised
allowance amounting to a few shillings a week to a few units of the
British navy, has received no response for nine months.
Captain. Senior
Officer, First Minesweeping Flotilla
Hard Lying Money –Fleet Minesweepers
From; The
Rear Admiral (D), Home Fleet
Date: 2nd
August 1942
To: The
Commander in Chief, Home Fleet
The enclosed
copy of a signal from the Senior Officer, First Minesweeping
Flotilla is forwarded with reference to my letter of 14th
(Signed) R L
To: RA (D)
From: SO 1st
M/S Flot.
Your HD of
31st May. My letter of concurrence in SO 6th
M/S Flot’s 3rd May and separate report from me dated 12th
June now understood lost by enemy action. Duplicates forwarded.
Application for payment in full was signalled by me in October 1941
and was receiving Admiralty consideration in March 1942. Strongly
recommend payment in full of this recognised allowance and that
payment should be retrospective. Additional reason is that no
potatoes and all fresh provisions are unobtainable ratings are
obliged to have tins of food resulting in higher mess bills.
From: The
Senior Officer, First Minesweeping Flotilla
Date: 27th
January 1943
To: The Rear
Admiral (Destroyers) Home Fleet, through The Senior British Naval
Officer, North Russia.
Pay in North Russia
It is submitted that further consideration may now
be given to the granting of Climate Pay in North Russian Waters.
This question was raised in May 1942 by the Senior Officer, Sixth
Minesweeping Flotilla (dated 17th May) and during the
same month a request was made for the allowance to Fleet
Minesweepers of Hard Lying money at full rates while operating in
these waters. Upon the latter question a decision was reached by
Their Lordships in June 1942 and in August it was stated that the
question of Climate Pay was under active consideration.
Although the granting of hard lying money at full
rates during the winter months to Fleet Minesweepers in North
Russian Waters has been the main submission in the past
correspondence from both the Senior Officer, First, and the Senior
Officer, Sixth, Minesweeping Flotillas, and that question has now
been settled….
HM Ships St Kenan, Cape Aragona, Cape Maristo and
Daneman formed part of the escort of PQ18 in September in 1942,
and, with the exception of St Kenan which was partially fitted for
Arctic service, were entirely ill equipped for such service for any
length of time; nor had issues been made to any of them of fur
caps, sheepskin coats and gloves, as it was not expected that they
would remain in North Russia for long. In fact they departed from
the Kola Inlet on 30th December. It is felt that these
ships were greatly deserving of some tangible recognition of the
hardships which they underwent during the first part of this
winter in North Russia. Hard Lying Money at full rates is in any
case paid to these ships and it is submitted that there are the
strongest grounds in their case for the allowance of Climate Pay,
since they derive no benefit from the decision of Their Lordships
as to the payment of Hard Lying Money in full to Fleet
Minesweepers during the winter.
It is further requested that this allowance, if
granted, may operate retrospectively, at least in the case of
ships which have been based in North Russia for any length of
time. HMS HARRIER has now completed 9 months actual service in
North Russia, exclusive passages to and from the United Kingdom,
four of which formed part of what is reputed to have been the
coldest Russian winter for 90 years and although no other British
ship has operated from Archangel, Iokanka and the Kola Inlet for
so long during this war, Fleet Minesweepers have normally been
based here for from 3 to 4 months at a stretch.
In view of the above… it is submitted that the
question of Climate Pay may receive further and favourable
consideration and that an early decision may be reached,
A Jay
February 1943
To: The Rear
Admiral (D) Home Fleet Destroyers
Service in North Russian waters during the winter, particularly in
small ships, is most arduous and I fully support the proposals for
the payment of Climate Pay.
conditions under which the trawlers Cape Aragona, Cape Mariato, St
Kenan and Daneman were required to operate deserve special notice.
Rear Admiral
HMS Tyne
February 1943
Commander in Chief, Home Fleet
The submission is fully concurred in, and it is requested that the
Admiralty may again be asked for a decision in accordance with
paragraph 2 of Admiralty Letter… dated 25th August 1942.
The question
of climate pay for personnel in destroyers was raised in paragraph 3
of my .. dated 5th October 1942 but no decision has yet
been promulgated.
Signed: Rear
Admiral (D) Home Fleet
Home Fleet
April 1943
for the early consideration of Their Lordships….
Jack C Tovey
in Chief, Home Fleet
September 1944
Secretary of the Admiralty
Pay For Destroyers In Northern Waters
is requested as to whether a reply can now be given to Commander in
Chief, Home Fleet’s letter of 15th October 1942 on the
subject of Climate Pay for Home Fleet destroyers when in Arctic
Waters. The Commander in chief’s letter of 1st April 1943
also refers.
notes on file]
it is understood that the arrangements promulgated in …. are all
that the Treasury are prepared to sanction.
For Head of
N., 16 September 1944
with Head of N.
The case
for Climate Pay in the Arctic was pressed to the utmost when the
general question of Climate Pay was under discussion between the
Admiralty and the Treasury, but met with an unqualified refusal. It
is not therefore considered that the question can be reopened with
any prospect of success.
For Head
of C W ? 17.9.44
for approval to inform the Commander in Chief, Home Fleet that
Climate Pay may not be paid in the Arctic.
regards payment of Hard Lying Money in Home Fleet destroyers Board
Minute of 12 December 1942 reads as follows:-
authorise the payment of Hard Lying Money, even at half rates, for
ships which are now not entitled would open up such a vast range of
problems as to be undesirable, and lead inevitably to comparisons
between the largest and most modern Leaders and small Cruisers
carrying out certain operations under difficult conditions of either
heat, cold etc.
therefore, to pay HLM at full rates to Leaders and destroyers at present entitled to half rates’
For Head
of N
September 1944
October 1944
To: Commander in
Chief, Home Fleet
I am to acquaint you
that Their Lordships are unable to approve payment of Climate Pay to
Officers and Ratings in HM Ships when in Arctic waters.
(Signed) Geo Dunn