Halcyon Class Minesweepers HMS Bramble
Sweeping operation Firth of Clyde November 1939



Source: ADM 199/184 Sweeping operation Firth of Clyde BRAMBLE Speedy

    Comments from DMS 19.12.39

    It is fully appreciated that the sweeping of this minefield presents great difficulty and it is considered that the methods adopted are those which promise the best results.

    Sweeping Operations on Warden Bank, Firth of Clyde.

    Wednesday 15th November 1939

    Channel sweep

    Ships taking part BRAMBLE Speedy

    Sweeps were got out in the entrance to Loch Long. Speedy took station astern of BRAMBLE’s float. No mines were swept.

    Skimming sweep

    Ships taking part BRAMBLE

    Sweep was got out off Skelmarlie Buoy and BRAMBLE approached the Dunoon Square Church Tower bearing 005°. Three mines were cut.

    Thursday 16th November 1939

    Channel sweep

    Ships taking part BRAMBLE Speedy

    Sweeps were got out in entrance to Loch Long and were kept at 100 fathoms till the boom was reached. No mines were swept.

    Skimming sweep

    Ships taking part BRAMBLE

    Sweep was got out off Skelmarlie Buoy and BRAMBLE approached the Dunoon Square Church Tower bearing 005°. Two mines were cut.

    Friday 17th November 1939

    Channel sweep

    Ships taking part BRAMBLE Speedy

    Sweeps were got out in entrance to Loch Long and were kept at 100 fathoms till the boom was reached. No mines were swept.

    Saturday 18th November 1939

Skimming sweep

    Ships taking part BRAMBLE

    Sweep was got out off Skelmarlie Bank. Seven mines were cut.

    Channel sweep

    Ships taking part BRAMBLE Speedy

    Sweeps were got out in entrance to Loch Long and were kept at 100 fathoms till the boom was reached. No mines were swept.

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