as war plaque is discovered
appeal to find a warship's plaque which was given to Aireborough 60
years ago has been solved - thanks to the Wharfedale Observer.
paper was contacted by a Guiseley resident who had seen last week's
appeal to find the plaque. Jeffrey Cooper, of Silverdale Drive , had
seen the plaque in St Oswald's
Church , Guiseley, and was a choirboy at the memorial service held for
the men who had died on HMS Bramble.
Cannon, the son of a crew member who died aboard the ship, was searching
for the plaque, which had been presented to the people Aireborough
before the warship sank on December 31, 1942 .
The ship
was special to Aireborough because in one week residents raised £140,000
to buy it in 1939 and prior to its sinking the crew members, including
Captain Harvey Crombie and Stephen's father Coder Joseph Cannon, visited
Aireborough groups and schools.
Cooper was 13 years old when the ship sank and remembers the memorial
service well. "The church was absolutely packed, there was no room
left," he said. "I sang in the choir. It was a very emotional occasion,
not just for me, but for everyone who attended that particular service.
The whole of Aireborough had worked very hard to raise the money for the
ship and had made a close friendship with the crew. The plaque was
rested upon a velvet blanket and the Rev W A Jarvis assisted in the
service, in which Captain Crombie spoke."
Cooper has researched the history of the incident for a book he is
writing and has recorded the exact words Crombie spoke.
Captain said: "They had braved difficulties and perils probably
unparalleled in the annals of the British Navy, and calls upon their
courage and endurance were constant, but they never failed. They would
not have us think sadly at this time, but rather that we should praise
God that they had remained steadfast to duty to the end."
The Rev
Graham Atherton, of
Parish Church, will be marking the 60th anniversary at one of his
Christmas services. "I will be mentioning the anniversary at the Sunday
service prior to the anniversary on New Year's Eve," he said.
Bramble was sunk in 1942 at the Battle of Barents Sea, off Norway, by
German destroyers as it headed for
Cannon was two-years-old when his father died and is eager to talk to
anybody who was a pupil at one of the Aireborough schools his father
gave a speech to on November 25 and 25 in 1942.
with information can contact him at 40, Lavender Walk, Evesham, Worcs
WR11 2JR or telephone (01386) 49066.