Signalman Lawrence Fitton wrote of
his experiences in a letter:
'As you know
all things went well although jerry tried his hardest to delay us.
Then our day consisted of minesweeping and at night keeping a good
lookout for bombers laying more mines around us, but all nights
didn't pass easily and jerry found himself being forced back he
brought all sorts of foul inventions into play. Mines disguised as
buoys and motor boats pilotless and full of high explosives. This
occurred so often with night raids and E. Boat raids that the nights
became nights of terror and when day came we could sleep in peace.
This continued until it was decided to storm Le Havre by sea. So it
came about that we were detailed to sweep the entrance to the
harbour. At first we were met with heavy gunfire but, towards the
end of the week we had the upper hand and we started to get a little
bolder and go closer inshore.
Then came the
grand finale over the horizon came six allied planes and we being
close inshore it was quite natural for them to mistake us for enemy
vessels. Therefore after a few mistakes in positioning friendly
shipping they attacked. I had only just come off watch and drunken
my tot of rum, when a terrific explosion lifted us off the floor, or
as we say deck, and flung me and my pals from one side of the ship
to the other. We had been hit with a salvo of rockets from a
typhoon. In the space of a few seconds I was on my feet and running
for top deck. On reaching it I saw several of my mates, chaps like
myself who only a short time ago had been sunbathing, lying
scattered about in huddled heaps. As the order to abandon ship was
given I looked up and saw several of our own planes diving down. Too
late I dropped down and when I stood up I was surprised to find I
was covered all over in blood and having as yet felt no pain
Next I found
myself in a motor boat leaving the ship. This means of transport was
apparently too good for me, for when the planes had attacked they
had riddled the motor boat, and we soon found ourselves sinking.
Still not despaired I kicked off my shoes and commenced swimming,
but I soon found myself without lifebelt and I realised it must have
been punctured anyhow. To add to his jerry started firing 9.2 heavy
calibre shells at clusters of boats and also we were in an unswept
part of the minefield, but after about 90 minutes of clinging to
wreckage and attempting to swim, because by now the salt was in my
wounds, I was eventually picked up and rushed by high speed launch
to a hospital ship, from there to England, hospital and home.
But often I
think of my pals who not so fortunate as me were either crippled or
dead. That is why I find myself in no position to grumble at being
away from home as throughout it all I managed to come up smiling and
thank God for allowing me to live when better men died.'
(Source: Michael Fitton, son, Jan
Bert Hughes in BRITOMART recalls:
was on watch and sitting with my back to the winch helping another
seaman to make a wire splice. Suddenly there was a tremendous
explosion and there was water everywhere. I assumed that we had struck
a mine ourselves. We knew at once they were our planes. We were told
they weren't ours, but they had the special striped D-day markings on
and you couldn't mistake a typhoon for anything else. I jumped to my
feet and everything was confusion. When we looked towards the bridge,
which had just been struck by a salvo of Typhoon rockets, it was a
terrible mess. BRITOMART started to circle and to settle quite
quickly. Eventually an order was given to abandon ship, but not from
an officer because they were all dead or dying. We all went into the
water. I will never forget the thunder of that attack. There can't be
anything like the noise and shaking of it.'
John Price, a telegraphist
first thought was "What the hell are the silly bastards playing at?",
and this was overtaken by the thought that they were using us as an
exercise target. Then from under the aircraft I could see a red burst,
and then there was a loud, dull thump and out of the corner of my eye
I saw it hit our bridge. My first thought was self preservation and I
moved to crawl under the gun platform. Unfortunately it was only about
three inches off the deck and I was a bit too large, so I tumbled down
the hatchway in the wardroom flat... Things went very quiet at this
stage, and I recall seeing one seaman with the lower half of his face
shot away.'
Lieutenant‑Commander Johnson in BRITOMART, the first to be hit:
second lunch had been cleared away and the wardroom table was covered
with signals awaiting their turn. All officers not on the bridge ‑ and
this included the warrant engineer and even the sweep deck officer ‑
were in the wardroom deciphering the mounds of signals that kept
pouring in. We had our heads down to this task when two great
explosions shocked the entire ship by their power and violence,
smashing, shattering, shuddering. My immediate thought was that we had
been mined for'ard, but three seconds later, before we had time to
collect ourselves, two more explosions sounded under the quarterdeck
on the port side, muffled as though underwater. The ship lurched over
to starboard and rolled back to settle with a ten degree list to port,
the officers' cabins and alleyways having flooded instantly. Luckily
in the wardroom we were all sitting either on the bulkhead settees or
in low armchairs, not at the table, for at this moment cannon fire
raked the wardroom just above table level, smashing right through the
ship. We bundled out on deck only to fall flat on our faces when
greeted by a second bout of fire from an aircraft streaking past to
starboard ‑ we were horrified to see that it was an RAF Typhoon. It
wheeled round some distance astern and flew past us again ‑ our gunner
on the after Oerlikon let fly until. No. 1 yelled to him to stop. We
also recognized two other planes in the distance by the easily
discernible white bands on their wings.'
realization that we had been attacked by friendly aircraft came as a
great shock. A double shock, for any attack at all had seemed most
unlikely with us steaming in the middle of a minefield, where no
U‑boat could venture, and with the air completely dominated by Allied
'BRITOMART was settling quickly by the stern with an increasing list
to port and flooding fast. The magazine hatch on the sweep deck was
open and I saw two ratings who had been working there scramble safely
out of the water, but ominously smoke was also emerging. We could see
little of the rest of the ship because of dense smoke belching from
for'ard, then she started to swing to starboard and a breeze cleared
some of the smoke. The view that met our eyes was grim. No bridge,
only a smoking hole where it had been, and just forward another deep
smoking hole which had been the stokers' mess. The funnel had also
vanished completely and the main deck had burst open opposite the
fiddley, ripping clear across and making it impossible for us to get
for'ard ‑ we were isolated in the after part of the ship. The steering
gear had jammed to starboard and the ship circled into the minefield,
still dragging her Double L sweep wire which continued to pump out
5000 amps. We overtook our electrodes well before the ship lost way,
becoming exposed to any hungry mine.'
engine took some time to stop. The Chief (Engineer Officer, Warrant
Officer J R D Grigson) ran on deck with an axe and cut off the tail
as a precaution ‑ he could have killed himself in an electrical
explosion. As the ship stopped our severed tail floated alongside.
BRITOMART now lay at an angle of thirty degrees and still deeper by
the stern. The No. 1, Lieutenant George Merritt, and I decided to
order "Abandon ship". We had difficulty in persuading some men to take
the plunge, though others had already gone over the side before the
ship stopped. All six officers including myself penetrated along the
decks as far as we could, urging men to jump overboard and in some
cases having physically to throw them into the sea. Some men were
wounded, two I tried to rally were dead. The ship's motor launch was
lowered into the water but it had not gone far before it sank with the
men inside, its bottom holed in several places by cannon shells. Our
burning ship was surrounded by bits and pieces of lockers, planks,
Carley floats and men swimming in their Mae Wests. One resolutely
cheerful rating who had helped to get others into the water now took
the plunge himself and, to the tune of "Mairzy Doats", began to sing,
"Motor boats and Carley floats and little rafts and dinghies..."
were so busy trying to save the survivors among our crew that we did
not see any other ships, the rest of the flotilla had disappeared from
view, although we did see boats some distance away picking up some of
our swimmers. By chance we now found some spare life jackets which we
thrust to men who had been reluctant to jump because, against standing
orders, they had not been wearing their own. We quickly saw them over
the side, for the smoke pouring from the depth‑charge magazine was an
added incentive to be gone. The ship was capsizing rapidly and a
sudden lurch to forty‑five degrees sending away the last of the
reluctant swimmers, another officer and myself, having placed our
shoes neatly side by side on the sloping deck, stepped off into the
Ernest Staniforth
My father Ernest
Staniforth,SSX25410 served on Britomart from 2/06/1941 to its sinking
on 27/08/1944. He very rarely spoke about his experiences during the
war as the sinking was very traumatic and he lost friends in terrible
circumstances. At the time of the attack he had just been taken of
watch in the wheelhouse and was down in the mess, the chap who had
taken him off was killed outright while at the the wheel. My father
ended up in the water with a mate who was injured, my dad swam with
him for a while in all the oil and flames, he eventually had to
abandon him as he had lost most of his lower torso and would not have
survived. He ended up ashore in an orchard in France and was
eventually rescued and taken to Dartmouth and sent on survivors leave.
R. E. Staniforth (son) Oct 2008)
George Jenkins
was a crew member on
Britomart for the whole war until it was sunk. He was a "Leading
Writer" in charge of the ships administration. He escaped the burning
ship by swimming under the burning slick of oil despite a broken
collar bone and much shrapnel in his leg and some in his head. He was
invalided out after that from his injuries.
(Source: Georgie Tsyplek)
BRITOMART, still on fire, turned completely over and floated keel
upwards, but sinking by the stern. It had all happened in thirty
minutes. Her commander and thirteen others were killed when the bridge
was blown to bits by rockets. The dead included the officer of the
watch, the yeoman, wireless staff Asdic ratings, the quartermaster and
bosun's mate. Other men lay dead or dying. More than seventy of the
surviving crew members were wounded, some very severely.

Sketch made by
divers of BRITOMART 30 metres down on the sea bed in 2002
49°40.294N / 000°06.775W
Source: ADM 1/30555
tempy. lieutenant g merrett
On the occasion of
total loss of HMS Britomart, 27/8/44
After ‘Abandon
Ship’ had been executed , Lieut Merrett remained aboard assisting
Lieut E J W Cooper and myself to remove a number of unconscious
ratings from the after deck into the sea, first providing buoyancy
to any who were negative lifejackets.
Two or three lives
were thus saved. I noticed a revival after their hitting the water,
and they were picked up later by H.M.T. Lord Ashfield’s boat.
Unfortunately the majority of the ratings that were disposed of in
this manner proved to be dead.
During the time
this work was in progress, the ship was ablaze fore and aft, the
boarding on the after magazine, situated below the quarterdeck. The
20mm ready use ammunition on upper deck was exploding spasmodically,
and the fire was uncomfortably near the primed grenade locker.
Lieut Merrett
displayed admirable coolness and courage.
Signed Harold Johnson, Act Temp
Lieutenant Commander, HMS Mandate
H M S Britomart Honours and Awards
Honours and Awards Committee has considered the good service of
Officers of H.M.S. Britomart and submits that the King be asked to
approve the Appointments and Awards set forth below.
HMS Britomart was on fire and sinking after being attacked from the
air Lieutenant Commander Johnson and Lieutenants Cooper and Merrett
did gallant service in removing a number of unconscious ratings from
the after deck into the sea providing buoyancy to any who were
negative life-jackets, thereby saving some lives.
Harold Johnson, RNR
Mention in Despatches
T/Lt. Edward John Cooper, RNVR
T/Lt. George Merrett, RNVR
Signed Vice Admiral
Chairman, Honours and Awards Committee
December 1945.

21 Officers and men
killed on 27th August 1944 (includes 2 who died shortly
after) and there were 70 wounded
William |
Ordinary Seaman |
570723 |
- |
- |
Henry Hubert |
Seaman |
104664 |
40 |
Son of
Mr and Mrs Jack Brickle; husband of Olwen Brickle, of Orielton,
Pembrokeshire, Wales |
Gerald |
Seaman |
24580 |
27 |
Son of
John and Florence Cutler, of Sneinton Dale, Nottingham |
William Richard |
Seaman |
73416 |
- |
- |
Newton |
Yeoman of Signals |
90489 |
- |
Son of
Frederick and Margaret Gerred; husband of Miriam Esther Gerred, of
Shirley, Southampton |
Joseph |
Seaman |
238295 |
23 |
Son of
James and Emma Harrison, of Hyde, Cheshire |
Charles |
Ordinary Seaman |
570743 |
19 |
Son of
Ernest George and Emma Louisa Johnson, of Horfield, Bristol |
Hugh |
Ordinary Seaman |
559094 |
19 |
Son of
Joseph and Alice Matilda Jones, of Risca |
Kenneth Edgar |
Ordinary Seaman |
559568 |
21 |
Son of
Leon Christopher and Eleanor Jones, of Newport |
Herbert |
1st Class |
147555 |
- |
- |
Clifford |
Seaman |
184868 |
24 |
Son of
Sidney William and Anne Ethel Marston; husband of Eileen Alice
Marston, of Richards Castle, Shropshire |
Patrick |
Officer Stoker |
86002 |
- |
- |
Henry |
Ordinary Telegraphist |
610352 |
- |
- |
James |
Ordinary Seaman |
570495 |
- |
- |
George |
Leading Steward |
24871 |
36 |
Son of
John and Frances H Smith; husband of Joyce Lilian Smith, of Brimscombe,
Gloucestershire |
William Robert |
Seaman |
89495 |
44 |
Son of
William and Elizabeth Scott Spence; husband of Laura Ethel Spence, of
Plymouth |
William |
Seaman |
304909 |
21 |
Son of
Joseph and Mary Ellen Sykes, of Manchester |
Kenneth Martin |
Sub-Lieutenant |
- |
35 |
Son of
Frederick and Mabel Ware, of Taunton, Somerset; husband of Margery
Seward Ware, of Taunton |
Edward |
1st Class |
152777 |
20 |
Son of
Thomas and Emily West, of Exmouth, Devon; husband of Barbara M West,
of Exmouth |
William Frederick |
Signalman |
39682 |
Son of
Alfred and Ellen Whitfield; husband of Lena Whitfield, of Woodford
Greell, Essex |
Charles |
1st Class |
140883 |
32 |
Son of
Charles and Annie Yates, of Liverpool |