
HMS Leda
Date of Arrival |
Place |
Date of Departure |
Orders, Remarks etc |
29.12.39 |
20.1.40 |
28/12 LEDA is to proceed
to Humber
5/1 Taken in hand for
fitting for minesweeping, completes 10/1
13/1 In view of the
evidence that LEDA possesses strong permanent magnetisation it is
highly desirable that trials should be carried out in her to
investigate whether such permanent magnetisation can be easily
removed. Trials would last about 3 weeks. Request approval for ship to
remain at Portsmouth to carry out these trials
14/1 regret LEDA cannot
be made available. She should rejoin her flotilla as soon as possible
17/1 From C in C
Portsmouth: Intend to sail LEDA for Invergordon 20/1
21.1.40 |
Stoker 1st
Class Frederick Stevens P/KX65044 died |
24.1.40 |
Tyne |
? |
26/1 LEDA can be taken in
hand by Smith’s Dock, Middlesbrough on completion of Hussar but
Admiralty have no objection to her refit being undertaken on Tyne if
27/1 From F O i/c Tyne:
LEDA will be sent to Smiths Dock Middlesbrough to refit as soon as
possible |
29.1.40 |
Middlesbrough |
25.2.40 |
30/1 Taken in hand Smiths
Dock, completes 18/2
19/2 From N O i/c
Middlesbrough: LEDA defect completed midnight 18-19/2, ready to sail
21/2 |
26.2.40 |
Invergordon |
29.2.40 |
3.3.40 |
Humber |
? |
Source: ADM 199/184 Report on clearing sweep 5th MSF
From: The Senior Officer 5th M/S
Date: 26th March 1940
To: Vice Admiral Commanding, Dover
Report of
Clearance Operation on Easter Sunday 24.3.40 and Monday 25.3.40.
Submitted: This
clearance was delayed by thick fog until 1600 on Sunday when
sweeping was commenced and continued until 1900, vessels anchoring
in the vicinity for the night.
Sweep recommenced
at 0900 on Monday which was the earliest that tidal conditions
permitted, and was continued until 1745. No further mines were
discovered, the area having been thoroughly searched the previous
Danlaying yacht
Sargasso was of great assistance, but Grey Mist who was also
detailed apparently proceeded to expend his ammunition on floating
mines and returned to Ramsgate to replenish it. He did not appear at
all. One sweeper had to be used for danlaying.
Gossamer, Niger
Danlayers: Salamander, Sargasso
Points of
Possible Anti-Sweeping Device
On Monday 25th LEDA’s sweep was parted
by an underwater explosion. The explosion was slight but definite,
and was followed by a ring of bubbles on the surface, some 15 feet
in diameter.
Two alternative suggestions are:
a) A mine whose main charge failed to fire.
b) An explosive cutting device.
Against a) no other mines in this field have
exploded on being swept.
Against b) the position was immediately danned by
Salamander who was following astern. It was re-swept at the end of
the day and nothing found.
Another peculiar occurrence for which no
explanation is suggested, was a parted sweep on the previous day. In
this case the sweep was found, on recovery, to have 80 fathoms
missing, ie it had parted in two places.
Asdic Contact
While at anchor during the night Niger obtained a
doubtful contact. One depth charge was dropped, after which it was
considered the contact was definitely non-sub. I consider Niger’s
constant anti-sub vigilance, especially after a hard day’s sweeping,
is most creditable. She is the only asdic vessel in the flotilla.
R Ross
26.3.40 |
Source: ADM 199 184 Report on clearing sweep 5th MSF.
From: The Senior Officer 5th M/S
Date: 28th March 1940
To: Vice Admiral Commanding, Dover
Report of
Clearance Operation on 26 March 1940
Gossamer, Niger, LEDA
Danlayers: Salamander, Sargasso
Six mines cut. One
detonated, five destroyed by gunfire.
Owing to very
strong cross tide and lack of sufficient experienced danlayers, this
clearance cannot be considered 100%. During the first lap no less
than six mines were encountered and before completing the lap the
flotilla ran into thick fog. It was decided to abandon sweeping for
the day.
Of these six
mines, only one detonated (close to Gossamer’s stern). Another mine
surfaced just clear of the disturbed water of the first, some 10 or
20 seconds later. It appears probable that the enemy’s intention was
to part the sweep, thus causing the second mine to be missed.
Pending further
details of dip, it is observed that these 6 mines were swept in a
depth (by echo recorder) of 20-22 fathoms, with a tide of at least 2
knots. Sweeps were running with 16 fathoms kite, 8 fathoms float
wire. It was the top of high water.
R Ross
SO 5th M/S Flotilla
1.4.40 |
From: Senior
Officer, 5th M/S Flotilla, HMS Gossamer
Date: 1st April 1940
To: Vice Admiral Commanding, Dover
Minesweeping Report, Sunday 31st March
Sweepers: Gossamer, Speedwell,
Danlayers: Sargasso, Grey Mist
Later assisted by Emperor of India as mine clearer.
This proved an interesting day. As the area to be
swept included a bank with 5 fathom patches running down the centre,
‘A’ sweep was chosen. As the flotilla approached the 1st
lap in ‘J’ formation a sudden fog descended and the visibility fell
to ½ cable. It lifted just in time to show R buoy in correct
position for the 1st lap. This shows the advantage of
having a qualified navigator (who had joined the previous evening)
Five mines were cut. One exploded, the rest were
destroyed by gunfire.
Anti-Sweeping Devices
As was to be expected partings were frequent due
to shallow patches. One was also an undoubted explosive cutter, the
mine belonging to which was swept. Another slight explosion failed
to part the sweeps or bring up a mine.
Two hours of the afternoon were spent in reeling
on new wires etc., while waiting for the tide to rise. One more lap
was then completed and a re-sweep made over a small piece missed
owing to partings.
A great improvement has been made now that
Sargasso and Grey Mist have got accustomed to working with the
flotilla, but even these vessels were unable to maintain sweeping
speed in the existing weather conditions. (Wind SW force 4)
R Ross
S.O. 5th M/S Flotilla
20.3.40 |
Dover |
10.4.40 |
6/4 From V A Dover:
Taken in hand for boiler cleaning |
11.4.40 |
Humber |
17.4.40 |
17.4.40 |
Tyne |
10.5.40 |
13.5.40 |
Humber |
14.5.40 |
14.5.40 |
Tyne |
27.5.40 |
27.5.40 |
Harwich |
28.5.40 |
Source: Orde
HMS Leda at Dunkirk
28.5.40 |
1200 |
to Dunkirk beaches, in Company with the 5th MSF. On receiving the
order to act independently, anchored off Brayes-Dunes. |
2120 |
4 whalers,
a skiff and a motor boat were lowered and sent in i/c of S/Lt Jamieson
RN |
29.5.40 |
0320 |
Hoisted all
boats and proceeded via Dyck buoy. |
0917 |
Margate. Disembarked 301 troops. |
1015 |
Sailed for
Dunkirk |
1445 |
off Brayes-Dunes. Lowered boats and embarked troops, assisted by a
large number of Army self propelled boats (i.e. A.L.C.'s). |
1545 |
enemy bombers; one probably damaged. Proceeded to Margate with 525
troops. The 3 whalers and the M/B were left inshore i/c of S/Lt
Jamieson, with orders to assist other ships. |
1630 |
passing Middelkerke buoy enemy bombers were seen attacking a hospital
ship (the St Julien) and the M/S's Kellet and Pangbourne all outward
bound. |
2044 |
Margate. Disembarked 500 troops. |
Let battle commence part 2
rmsbooth People in story:
My little group joined a party who had found some
bridging lorries with folding pontoons, our job was to unload the
pontoons, take them to the sea, erect them and then ferry parties of
soldiers out to larger craft off shore, unload and then return for
another party. If we came too far into the beach we found that the
pontoon filled up very rapidly and we were aground, nobody wanted to
get off to enable us to refloat and things got a bit hairy at times.
Eventually common-sense prevailed and several of the lads got off and
we were refloated, they pushed us out into deeper water and then
climbed on again. After that we always stopped out to sea and they had
to wade out to us. On one trip we h ad a young officer with us, he was
waving his revolver and behaving like Captain Bligh of the Bounty, I
shouted at him and told him if he used his energy rowing instead of
blowing we would get along a lot better. To my surprise he put his
revolver away and started rowing!
Later in the afternoon an RSM came on my pontoon, when
we got to the ship he said, ‘right lads, you’ve done your bit for
today, go on board, somebody else can take her back’. My lads and I
made our way to the side of the pontoon, grabbed the net hanging down
the ship’s side and were up and over in a flash. When I landed on the
deck one of the ships officer saw my revolver and said, ‘just what I
want, a revolver’, just to keep him happy I passed it over to him,
telling him to clean it before he used it as it was full of French
We were then told to go below decks out of the way, I found myself
sitting on a seat with my back to the side of the ship up forrad
underneath the ack-ack gun. The sailors were grand, they gave us hot
tea and sandwiches out of their own lockers and we settled down for a
rest whilst the ship loaded up. Eventually we were full up and off we
started for England. I fell asleep when suddenly there was a series of
loud bangs and the door of the locker above me fell on my head.
Eventually the banging stopped and a sailor came down and told us that
we had been attacked by a Stuka but they had shot it down and we would
soon be in England. Once the excitement was over I soon fell fast
asleep, eventually a sailor came along shouting ‘wakey wakey, get
yourselves ashore, unless you want to go back again’. Everybody
declined his offer and we all made our way ashore to find that we were
in Margate.
Incidentally, the name of the ship that brought us home
was the H.M.S. LEDA. I believe that she was a minesweeper in the
Halcyon class and that she was torpedoed on one of the Russian convoys
with the loss of fourteen lives.
(Note: 43 died)
Story written by Ex. 2067466 Cpl. Booth M.E.
Section 2. 248th Field Coy.
Royal Engineers. B.E.F.
D.O.B. 30th May 1915.
D.O.D. Not yet available!
2155 |
towards the French coast by the Dyck buoy. No ships were sighted
during this passage so when off the Dyck buoy decided to return to the
North Goodwin L.V. and proceed by X route. |
30.5.40 |
0150 |
Arrived off
Brayes-Dunes, anchored and embarked troops. A search was made for S/Lt
Jamieson's party, but without success. |
1220 |
towards Margate with 650 troops |
1815 |
Margate. Disembarked 537 troops. S/Lt Jamieson returned on board and
reported that he had embarked troops in the P.M/S Gracie Fields and
the G/B Locust until 0200/30, when only the M/B was left, the whalers
having been sunk during the air raid the previous afternoon. The M/B
was later abandoned because of engine trouble and lack of fuel. |
1955 |
towards Dunkirk. |
31.5.40 |
0000 |
The enemy
were now shelling Dunkirk harbour. LEDA signalled her arrival to
the signal station on Dunkirk East pier, and received a general
message to the effect that the boats were urgently required for
embarking troops from the beaches. All LEDA's boats having been lost,
Lt Cdr Unwin decided to enter Dunkirk harbour. |
0015 |
alongside the east pier. Embarked about 50 stretcher cases and 350
troops |
0135 |
out of harbour. After rounding FG buoy, was in collision with unknown
skoot which attempted to cross LEDA's bow from port to starboard.
Slight damage to the LEDA.
31/5 From LEDA: With
about 350 troops on board. Have sustained collision port side damage
just above water line, damage is not serious. |
0535 |
Margate. Disembarked 387 troops. Proceeded to Sheerness for repairs. |
1700 |
completed. Proceeded. |
2200 |
with MS 5 (i.e. S.O. 5th MSF) off W buoy. |
2359 |
anchored off La Panne |
1.6.40 |
0230 |
Few boats
available for embarkation. Permission obtained from MS 5 to search for
boats, so proceeded towards Dunkirk. |
0300 |
Acquired a
M/B and 3 launches, and embarked 630 troops from the beach off
Zuydcoote Sanatorium (4 miles east of Dunkirk). Engaged fighter planes
which were carrying out machine gun attacks. |
0715 |
towards Sheerness. When in Dunkirk Roads a heavy concentration of
bombers attacked ships |
0737 |
destroyer Keith 4 cables ahead, was seriously damaged and steamed
round at high speed out of control. A collision was narrowly averted |
0800 |
passing Dunkirk breakwater, the destroyer Ivanhoe was seen to be damaged and
to be disembarking troop to the Minesweeper Speedwell. Bombers then
attacked the destroyer Havant ahead of LEDA. They then attacked
LEDA but without success. |
0815 |
attacks ceased and LEDA proceeded. |
1410 |
Sheerness. Disembarked 630 troops. A number of ratings had to be
treated for complete exhaustion and most ratings fell asleep where
they lay. |
2.6.40 |
1645 |
towards Dunkirk |
2300 |
Arrived off
Dunkirk harbour entrance. Secured alongside east pier. No troops were
to be seen. The enemy bombarded the harbour entrance with shrapnel. |
2350 |
Ordered by
the berthing officer to ship and proceed. |
3.6.40 |
0010 |
harbour with no troops on board. Proceeded to Margate and thence to
Sheerness |
1650 |
towards Dunkirk in company with Minesweeper Gossamer and the Albury. |
2310 |
accordance with the berthing arrangements, secured alongside Dunkirk
west pier and commenced embarking French troops. |
4.6.40 |
0022 |
Sailed with
484 French troops. Lt Cdr Unwin here pays "tribute to the excellent
arrangements at West Pier for the embarkation, and also the high
standard of discipline of the French troops, they were magnificent". |
0300 |
encountered in which the Belgian trawler Marechal Foch was rammed by
LEDA and sunk. LEDA sustained damage to the bows, but the forward
bulkhead held. It is not known how many survivors were taken off. The
Minesweeper Albury stood by LEDA until relieved by the Minesweeper Kellett, which escorted LEDA to Margate. |
1020 |
Margate in fog. Disembarked 500 French troops (484?) |
2310 |
accordance with the berthing arrangements, secured alongside Dunkirk
west pier and commenced embarking French troops. |
5.6.40 |
1100 |
the signal that Operation Dynamo had been completed. |
transported: 2848 |
following awards were made:
Cdr H Unwin RN
C.E.R.A. G B Head
J Collins
Mention in
Despatches Lieut W McKee RNR |

Date of Arrival |
Place |
Date of Departure |
Orders, Remarks etc |
5.6.40 |
Sheerness |
14.6.40 |
5/6 From Cdre i/c
Sheerness: Intend to basin 6/6 to progress repairs and dock in No. 2
dock then L26, undocks at end of week. Time required in dock 10 days
10/6 From D of D:
Completes 12/6 |
14.6.40 |
Humber |
? |
Sweeping coastal convoys
using the East Coast Channel. |
2.7.40 |
Able Seaman Bernard
William Lahee P/J94396 died aged 38. |
1.9.40 |
LEDA was ordered to the
assistance of the Harwich based destroyers Express, Esk and Ivanhoe,
mined while steaming in the North Sea to meet a reported enemy fleet.
Esk sank immediately and Ivanhoe after hitting another mine had to be
abandoned and was sunk. Express was towed to the Humber. |
2.9.40 |
Humber |
5.10.40 |
30/9 C O’s of Gossamer
and LEDA are to exchange ships, LEDA becoming S O’s ship of 5th
MSF. LEDA’s boiler cleaning completes about 4/10 |
6.10.40 |
Leith |
9.10.40 |
10.10.40 |
Invergordon |
11.10.40 |
12.10.40 |
Rosyth |
16.10.40 |
17.10.40 |
Rosyth |
24.10.40 |
25.10.40 |
Scapa |
29.10.40 |
30/10 From C in C Rosyth:
LEDA is to proceed to Aberdeen as soon as weather moderates
sufficiently |
30.10.40 |
Dragged across a merchant
ship; bow holed in the tiller flat.
30/10 From C in C Rosyth:
LEDA is to proceed to Aberdeen as soon as weather moderates
sufficiently |

HMS Leda - Photo of damage taken 7th Nov 1940
(Source: NMM N14651)
1.11.40 |
Aberdeen |
? |
1/11 From NO i/c
Aberdeen: Taken in hand for repairs and boiler cleaning, completes
15/11 |
25.11.40 |
Scapa |
26.11.40 |
? |
Aberdeen |
27.11.40 |
29.11.40 |
Londonderry |
27.12.40 |
26/12 From 5th
MSF: Propose LEDA sails for Aberdeen 27/12 to clean boiler on arrival
and give 6 days leave. |
29.12.40 |
Aberdeen |
11.1.41 |