
HMS Hazard 1942 (IWM FL4579 and FL4580)
Date of Arrival |
Place |
Date of Departure |
Orders, Remarks etc |
4.1.42 |
At sea |
sighted by Edinburgh escorting a merchant ship that was desperately
short of fuel to Murmansk |
her local duties in North Russia in Jan./Feb.1942,
HAZARD met PQ7B (9 ships) and
(13 ships). She then acted as Senior Officer's ship for the escort of
QP8 (15 ships), which sailed homeward on 1 March 1942. |
17.1.42 |
Convoy PQ8 was joined by eastern local escort of HAZARD and
SHARPSHOOTER despite the thick fog that kept BRITOMART and SALAMANDER
in Kola.
1945 on 17/1 the freighter Harmatris was hit by a torpedo from U454
which passed underneath HARRIER. SPEEDWELL was ordered to drop back
and stand by the stationary Harmatris. An hour later a second torpedo
hit Harmatris but failed to explode, the captain thought he had hit a
mine. SPEEDWELL was ordered alongside to evacuate some of Harmatris’s
crew. After much effort a towing wire was passed but SPEEDWELL was
unable to move her as the starboard anchor had let go when the torpedo
struck and stuck in the sea bed.
2200, as SHARPSHOOTER had joined the screen, the destroyer Matabele
was sent back to Harmatris. U454 fired another salvo of torpedoes
which missed their target, a tanker, but hit Matabele. Although about
60 of the 200 crew escaped alive most were killed by the destroyer’s
own depth charges and the cold. Only two survived. HARRIER recovered
the dead from the sea. The volunteer crew withdrew from Harmatris to
the relative safety of SPEEDWELL and she circled the freighter all
night. |
18.1.42 |
0600 with both ships alone in the ocean the crew went back to
Harmatris and slipped the anchor chain, reconnected the tow wire and
at 0800 got under way again. They were now joined by SHARPSHOOTER and
HAZARD. At noon a Heinkel He111 made a half hearted low level attack
but was driven off by the AA armaments of the minesweepers and the
DEMS gunners on Harmatris. A second plane dropped her bombs a mile
about 14.30 a high pressure steam pipe on SPEEDWELL burst, badly
scalding three men and Youngs signalled for a Soviet tug, which
arrived within the hour. SPEEDWELL left at speed to seek medical
assistance for her injured crew members. Two further tugs arrived and
Harmatris got to Murmansk early on 20/1.
Extracts from Arctic Convoys by Richard Woodman |
12.2.42 |
and SPEEDWELL provided local eastern escort for PQ9 (8 ships) from
Murmansk 12/2 until 13/2 when BRITOMART and SHARPSHOOTER took over
from them until 15/2. No enemy activity. |
From SO 6th MSF: Intend to sail HAZARD and SALAMANDER for
UK with QP8. HAZARD due for annual refit.
From SBNO N. Russia: Sails 26/2 with QP8
Arrangements can be made for HAZARD to be taken in hand at Messrs Hall
Russels Aberdeen for refit on 16/3 |
1.3.42 |
Commodore of QP8 (15 ships) sailed in the EMPIRE SELWYN; the Ocean
escort comprised just four ships, the 'Halcyons' HAZARD (Lt Commander
J R A Seymour, Senior Officer Escorts) and SALAMANDER and the
'Flowers' SWEETBRIAR and OXLIP, the cruiser NIGERIA sailing in support
was not sighted. HARRIER (MS6) and SHARPSHOOTER and the Russian
destroyers GREMYASHCHI (Commodore) and GROMKI sailed as local escort
for two days. SALAMANDER’s asdic was defective, Sweetbriar’s packed up
on 3/3 and Oxlip’s refused to work. For the first three days, the sea
was flat calm and sheeted with ice. Thereafter there were gale-force
10 south-westerlies then westerly winds which scattered the convoy.
The empty, lightly ballasted ships presented a big surface to the wind
making progress slow. On 5/3 clear visibility allowed the convoy to
reform, but the merchant ships LARRINAGA and IJORA did not reappear,
and the latter was sunk by prowling enemy destroyers. By noon on 6/3
the convoy was again lashed by a Force 10 gale with waves 40 feet
high. The remaining 13 ships managed to reform on 7/3 and at noon, 200
miles south-west of Bear Island, in falling snow, passed through
convoy PQ12. A position check between HAZARD and Kent revealed a
longitudinal discrepancy of 95 miles. The convoy later altered course
to avoid the ice that had given PQ12 problems. On 6 March the German
battleship TIRPITZ was sighted at sea by the British submarine SEAWOLF
and convoys PQ12 and QP8 were in fact given distant cover by the Home
Fleet. The TIRPITZ passed 50 miles ahead of QP8 with one of the
destroyers, Z25, was less than 12 miles ahead. It was one of Tirpitz’s
destroyers who snapped up the IJORA. The convoy began to disperse to
their destinations on 9/3. SALAMANDER and HAZARD sailed into Scapa
Flow. |
Arrived back safe and sound and were told to stand by and try and
bring an empty convoy back to England. It wasn’t very big and away
we went around the North Cape of Norway and were told to keep well
out from the coast. After about four days we had word that one of
the ships had broken down with engine trouble. It was a Russian ship
but she said she would catch us up. After, we ran into a snow storm,
it was coming down that heavy we could not see each other and then
we heard some heavy guns. The Russian ship reported being attacked
by the Scharnhorst and of course we altered course, the convoy put
further out to sea. And in the afternoon our convoy ran through the
lines of ships of the full convoy going up to Murmansk. We shouted
to the Admiral in the cruiser Kenya that the German battleship was
out, and both convoys altered course again. He ordered two cruisers
and two destroyers to head her off, but she was away into harbour
somewhere in Norway. Another two days and we were getting near to
Iceland but that night we had to ease down to be guided in through
the minefield around Iceland. The ships of the convoy went into
harbour but we had to do a bit of sweeping. A German sub was
supposed to have laid mines inside of ours but we did not find any.
And then we got orders to carry on back to Scapa Flow. We passed the
Faroe Islands during the night and I was wondering what was bumping
against the ship’s side every so often. I went up on deck and laid
down to look over the side, it being dark. I shouted up to the
Bridge that we had gone into a minefield that had broken adrift in
the last heavy gale. The captain told all the crew below decks to
come up on deck and to batten down all doors and hatches just in
case we did hit one, which as not safe. You see they were our mines
and should have been safe on being adrift, but you can’t always
Scragg |
11.3.42 |
Scapa |
11.3.42 |
we got to Scapa alright and were told to stand by to pick up a small
convoy that was going down the East Coast. And the next day we
picked it up just outside the
Pentland Firth
and carried on down close to the land within the four mile limit as
our minefield stretched from Scapa to Dover. We were just passing
Tyne and getting dark, and then the air raid started. One of
the bombers dropped his bombs well short of
Tynemouth and nearly caught us. But anyway we still carried on.
While a raid is on the Coastguards do not put a light on but we could
see the dim lights on the minefield but they would not see them up in
the ships. A dull yellow light every four miles flashing so many times
to let the ships’ captains know where they were passing. They were
marked on the ships’ charts |
12.3.42 |
Aberdeen |
6.5.42 |
From F O i/c Aberdeen: HAZARD can be taken in hand for refit at
Aberdeen by Alex Hall & Co Ltd on 16/3. HAZARD will be dry docked on
27/4 for approximately 14 days |
6.5.42 |
Scapa |
12.5.42 |
13.5.42 |
Scapa |
? |
Hvalfjord, detailed as additional escort to PQ16 |
15.5.42 |
Iceland |
21.5.42 |
I got to the ship we had orders to return to Scapa Flow, and then it
came, Orders to go to Iceland and wait. And the night we got into
harbour a storm blew up and our ship drifted into another sweeper
and made a 6 ft hole in our ship’s side. I thought that would be the
end of us going on the convoy but the next day we were told to go
alongside the Repair Ship and they welded a new plate over the other
one and we were ready once more. Ships were coming in from all over
the place full up with planes, tanks, ammunition, food and clothes.
Well the day came and away we went up the Denmark Straits right over
as far as Greenland. After a few hours an Icelandic trawler went
through the lines of ships and when we were out of sight we heard
him getting in touch with the Germans in Norway, how many ships and
how many escorts. The captain told the crew that we would have
company after another two days, and we did. A German flying boat
going around the whole convoy but keeping out of gun range and he
would get relieved every four hours. It was no good keep on changing
course, if we did he would report our position.
After two days the raids started. High level attacks every 20
minutes. That night there was a submarine attack and the ship at the
back of the convoy got a hit right in the bows where there was
stored 250 ton of explosives. We heard the lookout shouting torpedo
but it was too late. A ship there one minute and the next none. We
had to pick up survivors, there was 28, they lost 10 men with the
captain. On that day the crew requested with the captain if they
could move their sleeping quarters in the bows to one in the stern
as they had a queer feeling which turned out to be true. All the
survivors were on a raft, some hanging on the side. One chap felt
himself sinking so he drove his hand on a large nail so he wouldn’t
next morning with another seaman went below decks to get ready. Two
crew who had died, we put them each in a blanket and a heavy weight
and sowed them up all ready to be buried at sea by their own crew
between air raids. There was a ship in the middle of the convoy who
had the latest radar gear and she could tell us when the planes were
even leaving the ground bases and that gave us a good chance to be
ready for them. That day they had a torpedo attack on the convoy.
There were nine planes, each with three torpedoes and at the same
time there was a low level attack on us. And god we were lucky to of
had a good captain on board. He turned the ship to run in between
the torpedoes and miss the four bombs, two dropped on either side of
the ship which nearly turned us over. While all this was going on
the ship with all the radar gear had an aircraft on a catapult, a
hurricane fighter which could fly off but could not land again. He
flew off after the torpedo bombers and shot three down and then came
across the convoy which was the quickest way to get at the other
ones above the convoy. But the Yanks opened up on him and shot him
down. He was wounded in the leg. He came down alongside the Polish
Destroyer who picked him up. And that afternoon his ship was hit
quite a few times and was sinking. One of our trawlers went
alongside and was taking off as many crew as she could. And while
she was doing that the big ship alongside of her blew up and we all
thought that was the last of the trawler and the brave men. But when
it all cleared away she was alright, loaded up with men. That was
our worst day. We lost five ships, one of those was ablaze from end
to end. One of our subs was alongside of her shouting for the crew
to jump, which a lot of them did. Their clothes was on fire but the
sub picked them up. And while this was going on the bombers were
still bombing the ship but the sub, the Seahorse, would not give in
until it got too bad for her and she just sank and came up behind
the convoy having picked up the men of the ship’s crew.
during the night the cruiser left us, a signal had come through
saying part of the German Navy had come out from Norway and were
heading towards the convoy, but we did not see any of them. Perhaps
it was just to take part of the escort away, well that was six ships
we had lost. The following day during a raid a Russian ship was hit
in the bows but she still carried on. We went over to her and asked
if he wanted any help but he said he would be alright. His lifeboats
were lowered to just above the water, there was women in them. She
got into harbour OK. The next day we lost two more ships and we shot
down a bomber which landed in the sea close to our ship. The German
crew got out onto the wings. They were waving their arms. We just
left them as one of their flying boats would pick them up. If we had
stopped the American survivors would of killed them.
Scragg |
21.5.42 |
PQ16 (36
ships) sailed from Hvalfjord on 21/5. HAZARD and four trawlers
provided the initial close ocean escort. The Battle Fleet provided
distant cover against the TIRPITZ and the cruisers KENT, NORFOLK,
NIGERIA and LIVERPOOL with three destroyers, were in close proximity
to the convoy west of Bear Island (against the battleships ADMIRAL SCHEER and LUTZOW who were known to be lying at Narvik). Thick fog
closed round the convoy. |
25.5.42 |
enemy aircraft stayed almost continuously with the convoy for five
days from 25 May. The convoy then engaged in a six day running battle
during which few on board were able to get much sleep. A small party
of RAF airmen onboard one of the escorts spoke fluent German and,
armed with HF receivers monitored the Luftwaffe’s air traffic. They
monitored the pilots chatting prior to take off and were able to give
forewarning of attack. At 0305 on the 25th U703 torpedoed the merchant
ship Syros - HAZARD helped with the rescue of 28 survivors from a crew
of 37.
1500 A
surfaced U boat was seen on the convoy’s starboard flank but it crash
At 1910, in
the continuous daylight, He111 torpedo bombers and Ju88 dive-glide
bombers attacked alternately. EMPIRE LAWRENCE's Hurricane fighter
destroyed one enemy aircraft and damaged another before being hit by
fire from an American merchant ship. The anti-submarine escort chased
off the U-boats and the cruisers' AA batteries held off the air
attacks, destroying some enemy aircraft. No torpedoes hit the convoy
but bombs damaged two merchantmen with near misses. Later, the convoy
passed through drifting ice. |
26.5.42 |
Air attacks
began early on 26/5 consisting of Ju88’s and He111’s, the last attack
being at 1800. |
27.5.42 |
The first
air attack of the day began at 0320. Heavy pack ice forced the convoy
further south, closer to the German airfields. The weather was fine
and clear with thin layers of cloud to hide aircraft. The cruisers
departed on the 27th, whereupon 108 enemy aircraft attacked the
convoy. Four merchant ships, including the CAM ship EMPIRE LAWRENCE,
were sunk and two merchant ships and the destroyer GARLAND
(Polish-manned) were badly damaged. Renewed air attacks occurred that
evening (27/5), two more merchant ships being sunk. OCEAN VOICE, the
Commodore's ship, was badly damaged. The merchant ships maintained
perfect station the whole time, but a fifth of their number had
already been lost with three days sailing still to go. |
28.5.42 |
It grew
colder, ice formed on the ships’ upper works, icebergs dotted the sea
and the ships ploughed on through the sea smoke. The air attacks
resumed at 2130 but were ineffective partly because three Russian
destroyers had joined to supplement the AA fire. |
29.5.42 |
Early on
29/5 a further air attack took place. On the evening of the 29th,
140 miles NE of the Kola Inlet, Captain Crombie commanding the 1st
MSF based at Kola joined the convoy in HMS BRAMBLE, together with
LEDA, SEAGULL, NIGER, HUSSAR and GOSSAMER. The convoy divided and at
2330 Crombie's section, escorting six of the merchant ships to
Archangel, was attacked by 15 Ju88’s while 18 attacked the Murmansk
bound ships. |
30.5.42 |
part of PQ16 arrived at Kola.
Crombie's division, proceeding in line ahead and led by the Empire
Elgar, arrived at the estuary of the Dvina on 30/5 where it met the
ice breaker Stalin. They began a passage through the ice lasting 40
hours. Confined to the narrow lead cut by the Stalin, they were
attacked by Ju87 Stukas in a noisy but useless attack. This section
of PQ16 passed Archangel and secured alongside at Bakarista, a new
wharf two miles upstream. |
After tea that day our ship got orders to carry on into Kola Harbour
and put them all ashore to go to the Camp where all the other
survivors were. There was hundreds of them all different
nationalities. We were glad to put in and have a good nights rest
after six days and nights bombing, eating and resting behind the
Well the next night the Russians invited us to the Pictures in
their Opera House, it was very good. There was English sub titles.
You were not allowed to smoke but at the interval came out into the
corridors. We were made very welcome by the Russians and after a
couple of days we went along to the White Sea and up the river to
Archangel. It did not look much of a place and while we were there
had a raid or two. And the officer in charge sent us down to the
mouth of the river on guard against the dropping of mines by
parachute. And during the night we heard aircraft but could not see
them as the clouds were that low. But we had to get up anchor quick
and get out of the way as they were dropping mines and one came
right down in our path. It was drifting down on us with the down
river tide. As soon as the mine entered the water it tripped a lever
and started up the clock, they were magnetic mines. And that was our
job the next day blowing them up as they were at the entrance of the
river. The Russians had no minesweepers for use on the magnetic
mines until we let them have one. Our convoy was the PQ16 and the
empty ships were getting ready for the return journey home. They
were tied up to the jetty.
Scragg |
Commander Onslow, Senior Officer close escort reported that four
fifths of the convoy had got through.... ‘ due to the gallantry,
efficiency and tireless zeal of the officers and men of the escorts
and to the remarkable courage and determination of those of the
merchant vessels. No praise can be too high for either’. |
Inlet |
19.6.42 |
HAZARD departed Kola Inlet to escort the merchant ships KRASSIN and
MONTCALM to Archangel. |
21.6.42 |
Archangel |
? |
We left the jetty and anchored under a high cliff. The next
morning at 10.30 we had an air raid by stukas. You see the German
front line was only a few miles away but they did not hit any ships.
And at 4.30 we were told to change places with HMS Gossamer. The next morning at the
same time we had another raid and the
was hit and went down in two minutes, a direct hit. There were about
thirty lost. We were very lucky to have changed places. The next day
we went to sea in a gale and put into a small harbour but the ships
were drifting into each other and we had to go to sea again and ride
out the storm. We went along to the White Sea but could not go right
in as it was frozen up and the ships that came up in our convoy was
stuck right in the middle, but later on they were unloaded. The
Russians got the cargoes off by getting large sleds up to the ships’
sides. Of course they knew the thickness of the ice.
Scragg |
26.6.42 |
At sea |
BRAMBLE, HAZARD, LEDA and SEAGULL formed part of the local escort for
QP13 (36 ships) from 26/6 to 28/6. Ocean escort included NIGER (to
5/7 when she sank) and HUSSAR (to 7/7). Thick weather meant the convoy
was not attacked. |
29.6.42 |
and LEDA escort the tanker Hopemount from Murmansk to Archangel. |
1.7.42 |
Archangel |
4.7.42 |
acted as local escort to PQ17 whose ships had scattered.
With LEDA, BRAMBLE & SEAGULL she spent much
of July and August searching for surviving ships and boatloads of
seamen from Convoy PQ17 which entailed working in the Kara, White and
Barents Seas, and visiting Archangel. Among the several merchant ships
helped by HAZARD were the WINSTON SALEM and the HOPEMOUNT. |
The next morning we went out to help the escort but all
that was left of the convoy, PQ17, was seven ships and plenty of
lifeboats sailing into harbour with survivors. There was only a
couple of corvettes and a trawler guarding the ships. On one of the
corvettes was the late Godfrey Wynne writing for one of the papers.
I’ll bet it gave him an eye opener and a big thrill. All night long
there were wireless messages about some ships running away. After
they got word to scatter some got caught in the ice and we could not
get to them. We went as far in the pack ice as we could but could
not help them. It was pitiful. So we had to come back to Archangel.
Scragg |
6.7.42 |
Archangel |
? |
HMS Hazard, Archangel 6th July 1942

11.7.42 |
HAZARD and LEDA met BRITOMART, HALCYON, Samuel Chase, Ocean Freedom,
Lotus, Lord Middleton and Northern Gem and took the weary survivors of
PQ17 in to Archangel.
The survivors from the Honomu were rescued by HALCYON, SALAMANDER
and HAZARD -
from PQ17 Convoy to Hell by Paul Lund and Harry Ludlum
‘One of the most dramatic
rescues was made high up in the Barents Sea by SALAMANDER and HALCYON,
along with a third minesweeper, HAZARD. A Russian Catalina out on
patrol had spotted three rafts and radioed back their position with an
estimate of the direction on which they would drift. The three
sweepers were sent out from Archangel to find them. They were given
nine days for the search as they were needed for minesweeping work.
This gave them three days to reach the area, three days to look for
the rafts, and three days to return.
On reaching the area of
search the three ships found perfect weather but the first twenty-four
hours of vigilance slipped fruitlessly by and everyone was beginning
to feel disheartened. 'What sort of fools errand is this?' was the
question asked on HALCYON. Every man was badly strained and tired
after the activities of the past two weeks; no one had had more than
four hours sleep for what seemed years. However, they were fortunate
in having absolute quiet for their search on the sunlit sea, for no
U-boat echoed on the Asdics, no bomber marred the blue sky. As they
got back into regular routine men's spirits rose and they began to
take an interest.
In the afternoon that began
the third day of the box search the atmosphere was tense. The night
hours passed quietly, the sun just on the horizon shedding on the
ripples of the sea a path of crinkling gold liquid. It was an eerie
scene and there was a sudden inexplicable feeling that they might find
the lost seamen after all. This despite the fact that the survivors
had been afloat for thirteen days, and the minesweepers were only
going on calculations made a week before by the Russian pilot. Though
they were tackling the impossible, excitement mounted and hopes rose
as the short time grew shorter.
But at 7.30 a.m. the black
Arctic fog descended. This seemed the end. Their time was up at noon
and they were helpless in the fog. All they could do now was to feel
their way and hope. At 8.15 a.m. on HALCYON there was the usual
anti-freeze routine on the guns, a few test rounds being fired by
each. Now, all those not on watch below came and stood shivering on
the upper deck, either cursing the fog or silently praying for it to
rise. Sometimes it would lift just enough to let them see SALAMANDER,
but not HAZARD which lay 200 yards farther off. At 11 a.m. the
coxswain served the rum and all went below for their tot, then
returned. There was no argument or lively banter as usual, just a
strained silence.
HALCYON's captain had
ordered the Very pistols fired. He now sent the signal for the last
lap. For this last half hour everyone lined the rails, watching
waiting, praying; and at a quarter to twelve, just fifteen minutes to
go, a miracle happened. The fog lifted. First they saw SALAMANDER, and
then HAZARD's ghostly shape appeared. A faint cheer sounded - or was
it their overstretched imagination? No, it was not, for right between
each ship was a raft crammed with men waving weakly. They began to
shout 'God Save the King! We knew you would save us'. They had heard
the gunfire and paddled wearily towards it.
The sweepers dropped their
scrambling nets. On SALAMANDER a seaman missed with his first attempt
to throw a line to one of the rafts. 'Limey', said a cracked and dry
voice, 'I have been on this raft for thirteen days and could do better
than that!' After taking thirteen men from one raft - there were more
than thirty survivors in all from S.S. Honomu - SALAMANDER moved off
to drop depth charges in case a U-boat was near. Aboard HALCYON the
survivors were too weak, and their feet too swollen, to stand, but
otherwise they were in surprisingly good shape; from the first day
they had taken turns at four hours on the paddles and four off, and
during the off period had washed their deadening feet with salt water.
Only a coloured who would not do this later lost part of his foot with
frostbite. The U-boat which sank Honomu had surfaced on the third and
sixth days of their ordeal, giving them more water.’
22.7.42 |
BRAMBLE, HAZARD, LEDA and four other ships met some more of the
surviving ships from PQ17 and escorted them into Archangel, arriving
on the evening of 24/7. |
25.7.42 |
Dvina |
? |
28.7.42 |
Dvina |
29.7.42 |
29.7.42 |
tanker Hopemount sailed for Port Dickson with a heavy escort of two
icebreakers and 9 other escorts including BRAMBLE, HAZARD, and
SEAGULL. At the edge of the icepack the escorts turned back leaving
Hopemount and the icebreakers to continue towards the Pacific by the
northern route, fuelling soviet escorts and merchant ships, turning
back on 18/9. |
ship and another were told to go up to Nova Zembla, two large
islands right above the
White Sea.
We had to wait for the Russian Ice Breakers and store ships. There
were three icebreakers and what a size they were, they had more guns
between them than days in the year. While we were there a wire got
caught around our propeller shaft. Our captain asked the Russian
Admiral if he could lend us a diver to go down and take it off,
which he did after about an hour. While we waited for that being
done I went up on the bridge and had a look at the Base Camp ashore
through the Captain’s big glasses and in the camp were hundreds of
German prisoners. I’ll bet they were cold up there not that far off
the North Pole. Well we were all ready for the journey along the top
of the world, latitude 78, longitude 98, to a place on the map
called Cape Chelyushkin, and by golly it was cold. And then us two
minesweepers couldn’t go any further. We came up against cliffs of
ice. Now the three ice breakers got behind each other and started
pushing against the ice. Of course the ice breakers are nearly all
engines and very powerful. Well after a good while of pushing they
started making a passage through the ice and after the ice breakers
came the little store ship SS Montcalm and lastly the big oil tanker
the Hopemount. All her crew were Tynesiders. We sent them all kinds
of books and papers to read on the journey across the top of the
world to Vladivostok. It took them nine months to get there and
back. The last we saw of them was the tops of their masts over the
cliffs of ice. And off we went back to Murmansk and on the way back
a German attacked us and dropped a few bombs but none hit us.
Scragg |
? |
Dvina |
22.8.42 |
23.8.42 |
Inlet |
24.8.42 |
25.8.42 |
Archangel |
11.9.42 |
13.9.42 |
BRITOMART, HALCYON, HAZARD and SALAMANDER joined QP14 (20 ships) from
Archangel as local eastern escort. The ocean escort included BRAMBLE,
SEAGULL (until 26/9) and LEDA (sunk on 20/9). |
18.9.42 |
BRITOMART, HALCYON, HAZARD and SALAMANDER joined PQ18 as local eastern
escort. |
With other
ships of the flotilla, including HALCYON and SHARPSHOOTER, HAZARD
performed local duties in September and most of October. |
11.10.42 |
? |
Bar |
16.10.42 |
17.10.42 |
the 17th the Russian Naval Staff reported that the Merchant vessel
Shchors had been sunk by a mine off Yugorski Strait and enquired
whether the minesweepers could be diverted in order to sweep first the
Yugorski area on their way to Matochkin. The ships coming through the
Yugorski Strait, which included the Hopemount and Icebreakers from the
Northern passage, were felt to be of much greater importance than
those at Matochkin. The minesweepers were therefore instructed on the
17th to leave the two Merchant ships which they had been escorting and
to proceed at best speed to Yugorski. On completion of operations
there, they were to proceed in execution of previous orders. They were
further instructed that, after sweeping the Matochkin Strait area,
they were to return to Yugorski in order to escort back to Archangel
any Russian ships which might be ready to sail.
HALCYON (SO) (Cdr C H Corbet-Singleton DSC RN) with Sharpshooter and
Hazard were detailed for special sweeping operations with Russian
convoys and sailed from Archangel in a gale. On the 18th
they carried out an acoustic sweep – an Oropesa sweep was impossible
because of the ice – and this completed they proceeded through thick
fog, possibly only because of skill and nerve and the use of the
echo-sounder, to the convoy anchorage to await the convoy. The next
day, still in thick fog, the three HALCYONs swept LL in negative
visibility, with the 24 inch searchlights giving only a faint glimmer
at one and a half cables. Two more days of sweeping followed,
fortunately in better conditions, before the Russian convoy arrived.
Source: Fleet Sweepers at War, Jack Williams |
Three ships of the 6th
MSF – HMS Halcyon, Sharpshooter and Hazard – were detailed for special
sweeping operations with Russian convoys. A Russian Captain of the third
rank and an interpreter embarked in HALCYON for the operation and the
three ships sailed from Archangel on the 16th October 1942 in a
southerly gale.
The Flotilla was to
rendezvous with two Russian ships South East of Kolguev Island but. as
the ships did not put in an appearance at the appointed time, the
Flotilla continued in execution of their further orders.
In the small hours on
the 18th the Flotilla ran into brash ice North of Matveey Island; ice
strong enough to stop the ships and choke the condenser inlets. Here,
the Flotilla had to carry out an Oropesa and Acoustic search.
The former was out of
the question because of the ice but the Acoustic sweep was exercised
with vigour in the hope that lots of mines would go up and of course
there was always the hope that the ice would go up too! But, there were
no mines, and the ice continued to impede progress so the flotilla
proceeded to the convoy anchorage and, to add to the difficulties, a
thick fog enveloped them.
They call it 'sea smoke’
in ice waters. Solid stuff, nearly always present under most conditions
when ice is about. One just cannot see a yard ahead when it is about.
But in view of the urgency ordered for sweeping the Russian convoy out
of their assembly anchorage the Senior Officer Minesweepers in HMS
HALCYON, Commander C.H. Corbet‑Singleton, D.S.C.,RN (the United Services
forward) carried out a noteworthy fine piece of pilotage by forging
ahead entirely on time‑and‑distance‑run and echo sounding machine, into
the harbour through a narrow channel with two sharp turns. Fortunately,
a good fix had been obtained before entering the ‘smoke’, but the
operation required nerve and ability. The three ships arrived safely.
On arrival, Commander
Corbet‑Singleton went over to the Russian Flagship LYDKE with his
Russian Captain to call upon Commodore Annin. It was learned that the
convoy was due to sail at 1230 the next day and, 'sea smoke' or no 'sea
smoke’ the Russian Commodore expected the English minesweepers to do
their stuff. Commander Corbet‑Singleton quite naturally felt rather
dubious about sweeping into the patch of ‘smoke' especially as it would
be getting dark when the sweep would be due to commence. However, he
realised that the 'English minesweepers' were expected to do something
about it so he played up knowing he had two good Commanding Officers in
the SHARPSHOOTER and HAZARD. They swept 'LL' round the bends in negative
visibility, but fortunately without incident. 24 inch searchlights
produced only a faint glimmer at 11 cables. Nevertheless, the channel to
the harbour was swept and no mines resulted, and the Minesweepers
returned to harbour for the night.
Next day, they proceeded
to sea at dawn and they promptly commenced sweeping mines, the
detonation of which, of course, delayed the convoy's sailing until a
full clearance sweep had been carried out. Fortunately, high winds had
cleared a great deal of ice and after a full day's sweeping the area was
considered safe for the convoy to proceed the next day. But, due to
local delays, the convoy did not sail the next day and in fact not until
two days later. Then, although the convoy was due to sail early in the
day, when it did sale it was late in the afternoon, and the delay badly
hampered making an important landfall by the next day. Fortunately the
weather was good at the start, but not for long. Ice was again met,
together with low visibility and snowstorms, but the British
minesweepers escorted the convoy safely to the Dvina River, and swept
them through the Archangel sea approaches safely.
Source: The Minesweepers
Victory, Hilbert Hardy |
19.10.42 |
Yugorski Shar |
21.10.42 |
HALCYON, HAZARD and SHARPSHOOTER arrived to sweep the area ahead of
the returning Hopemount. A number of air laid mines were detonated. |
And we got ordered to go back to where we had left the
ice breakers months beforehand. But all we could see was cliffs of
ice. We waited and I wish I could have had a camera as the cliffs
opened up and out came the ice breakers, the little store ship, four
Russian destroyers and the oiler, the Hopemount, from Vladivostok.
We left them at their Base and carried on back to Archangel to wait
for the big convoy that had left England and Iceland. We left for the
entrance to the
White Sea
and wait.
Scragg |
? |
Elushya |
24.10.42 |
24/10 HAZARD was slightly damaged by an acoustic mine while working in
the Yugorski Strait. |
31.10.42 |
Archangel |
? |
31st Oct.
Shooter and Hazard reported astern ‑ 50 miles ‑ they
were dive bombed by 2 planes ‑ no damage. Arrived Archangel 0030.
Shooter and Hazard arrived 1600 ‑ we oiled at Buc and
stayed night.
Diary of LSBA William
Maslen, HMS Halcyon © Pauline Maslen MMIV |
17.11.42 |
Among ten
were assigned to the close escort of QP15 (28 ships) which left
Archangel on 17 Nov 1942 with an AA ship also attached. Two groups of
destroyers were to reinforce the escort during the voyage, but they
never met the convoy which was battered by a succession of gales. The
cruisers LONDON and SUFFOLK with three destroyers provided cover west
of Bear Island, and four RN submarines patrolled off Altenfjord to
attack the enemy cruisers HIPPER and KOLN if they emerged. U‑boats
sank two merchant ships but the gales and darkness thwarted the
enemy's aircraft. The convoy was split into small groups by the
weather, BRITOMART, HAZARD and others shepherding one group of five
ships to safety. The surviving 26 ships of the convoy all reached Loch
Ewe by 30 November. HAZARD made good her defects while in Icelandic
waters and she carried out a mine sweep before proceeding to Scapa
Click Here for
Escort Orders |
17.11.42 |
Report on QP15 HMS Hazard, ADM199/712
...the ship being at Nodyuga anchorage anchor was weighed at 1440 and
in accordance with previous orders the ship proceeded to join up with
the convoy as close escort, this was accomplished at 1800 on the same
day. |
During the three following days the convoy maintained a northerly
course and no incident of note took place during this time.
20.11.42 |
...with the weather fast deteriorating and heavy snow squalls which
reduced visibility to one cable, the convoy altered course at 1600 to
270. The ship was unable to stand this course owing to excessive
rolling and the best that could be maintained was 290. At 2000 the
wind which was force 8 backed to the NE, course was then altered to
260 to rejoin the convoy. As the wind and sea increased it was found
necessary to increase speed to 11 knots, this speed placed us well
ahead of the convoy. |
21.11.42 |
At 0600 on the Saturday with the heavy sea that was running the best
that could be done for the ship was to run before the gale. At 1800
that day the wind had increased to force 10. The Quarterdeck was
continuously covered with heavy seas breaking on board. This caused
the deck to open up and water leaked below into the after
compartments. At 2000 speed was increased to 13 knots, this seemed to
ease the ship a little. By 2400 the wind had increased to hurricane
force, and the ship was hove to until noon on the Sunday ... |
22.11.42 |
...when, with the weather moderating, course 270 was set, it was hoped
to rendezvous with the convoy the following day at position FF. At
2400 in consequence of an Admiralty signal which was our first
knowledge that the convoy had been diverted, course was altered to 180
with the intention of by 0900 the 23rd reaching the
farthest on position to the westward that the convoy could have
reached. |
23.11.42 |
At 0850 ships were sighted very close in the darkness. These were
challenged and proved to be HM Ships Britomart, Bergamot and Bryony in
company with the Commodore in Temple Arch and the Empire Morn and
Charles McCormack. Acting on orders from HMS Britomart station was
taken up and maintained astern of the convoy. At this time the ship
was covered with ice, and two depth charges which had been previously
prepared for a counter attack were considered dangerous in the racks
in that particular state so they were released, and though set at safe
exploded at great depth. |
25.11.42 |
On Wednesday the 25th at 1345 the Vice Commodore of the
convoy in Dan-y-Bryn joined us with HM Ships Intrepid and Ledbury who
left us the next morning. The rescue ship Copeland joining us shortly
afterwards. |
27.11.42 |
...on arriving off Iceland our section was turned over to HMS Intrepid
and other destroyers for onward movement to destination. We then
proceeded to Seidisfiord to fuel arriving at 1245.
Report on QP15 HMS Hazard, ADM199/712 |
We had a few quiet days before getting ready for our return trip
with an empty convoy, and what a convoy. The biggest yet to come
back to Iceland, and of course the worry of bombing again. Well on
the way up the bottle neck of the White Sea the sky got that black I
knew we were in for a right storm. The Orders before we left to go
north on Bear Island and it blew that hard the convoy split up
during the night. We got lost. We couldn’t turn in case of going
over. A Russian destroyer in the escort trying to turn to go back
home capsized and all her crew were lost. I knew we wouldn’t see any
planes in this lot. It was bad. As the sea was coming on to the deck
it was freezing and the ship was getting top heavy. The crew were
banging away at the ice and putting it over the side. We had been
out three days and no sign of the convoy, we were lost. The captain
was only a Lieutenant. He ordered to take soundings and it was very
shallow. He said head to starboard as we were getting too near the
North Cape, that was Norway. I went to have a look at the chart and
then I spoke to the 2nd Lieutenant and told him that the
captain was wrong. If a shallow sounding was on the starboard side
it could not be Norway but Spitzbergen Banks and I showed him the
chart. If we carried on the way we were going the ship would be
aground. So he gave Orders for the ship to steer to port and we
gradually got into deeper water while the captain was in his cabin.
He came running up on the bridge and him and the 2nd had
an awful row. But the captain was going off his head – he could not
see what was wrong. I reported black smoke in the distance but we
could not get to them till the next day. During the night the Asdic
operator told the captain he had heard a ping on his instrument. But
the captain ignored it. And later on I was sitting below decks
listening to the wireless when there was a gurgling sound under the
ship. And being a torpedo man I knew what that was, a submarine was
in the area. I dashed to the bridge and reported it to the 1st
Lieutenant. We altered course to try and pick up the sound again.
But later on that night we heard
miles astern from a ship that had come the same way as we had, and
we were the only ones to have come the proper way north of Bear
Island. She had been torpedoed and got a signal that two destroyers
were after the submarine.
daybreak on the horizon I saw black smoke and said jokingly it must
be the German Fleet out to the 1st Lieut and the captain
heard it. And that was the end of him. He lost control altogether
and had to be put in his cabin under guard for the good of the
ship’s company. When we got closer we saw it was part of the convoy
with two escorts and they were pleased to see us, and later on we
picked up other ships. That night which was very dark, and of course
no lights on the ship, when all of a sudden star shell were bursting
over the convoy. Everybody dashed to action stations, thinking we
had run into the Germans as we were well off course. And then I saw
some ship flashing to us, it was the HMS London out looking for us.
We were well overdue and well off course... Our convoy was put on the proper course through the
minefield and to Iceland, but most of the empty ships carried on to
America to fill up again. After a while we were told to take the
remainder to England, some went to Liverpool others to the Clyde.
…Orwell had previously reported a line of moored mines detected by
mine detector unit near the western edge of the swept channel.
HALCYON was ordered to consult RNO and clear this up before QP15 M
passed (the remnants of the convoy coming from Akureyri).
consulted with HALCYON (SO Minesweepers) and it was decided to send
Britomart and Hazard with QP15M as they were modern ships and were
not suffering as many engine room defects as Salamander and
Source: Report of HMS Faulkner ADM 199/721
27.11.42 |
Seidisfiord |
30.11.42 |
BRITOMART, SALAMANDER and HAZARD making good defects.
Sweeping was carried out off Seidisfiord during Saturday and Sunday
(28th and 29th) in a suspected area without contact with mines being
made. |
30.11.42 |
Departure was made from Seidisfiord at 1000 on Monday, 30th
November with merchant ships and accompanying escort of destroyers.
These were left off the Butt of Lewis at 2300 on the 2nd
December when, in company with HMS Britomart and the tanker San
Ambrosio, course being shaped for Scapa and arrival made at 0900 on 3rd
December 1942.
Report on QP15 HMS Hazard, ADM199/712 |
we got to Scapa alright and were told to stand by to pick up a small
convoy that was going down the East Coast. And the next day we
picked it up just outside the
Pentland Firth
and carried on down close to the land within the four mile limit as
our minefield stretched from Scapa to Dover. We were just passing
Tyne and getting dark, and then the air raid started. One of
the bombers dropped his bombs well short of
Tynemouth and nearly caught us. But anyway we still carried on.
While a raid is on the Coastguards do not put a light on but we could
see the dim lights on the minefield but they would not see them up in
the ships. A dull yellow light every four miles flashing so many times
to let the ships’ captains know where they were passing. They were
marked on the ships’ charts.
the next morning we had to go up to Hull Docks for a refit and the
crew to go on leave. But on the way up the River Humber we passed
the HMS Bramble, her captain was in charge of the Flotilla. Well
that was the last time we saw her. As she was taking up her post as
scout for the convoy she was going to Russia with, she was caught by
one of the German cruisers and had no chance at all. I never heard
if there was anybody picked up. Well the ship went into dock in Hull
for a small refit and leave for the crew. It was wonderful to be
home again. And of course we had our usual air raid nearly every
night of our leave.
It did not take long for our leave to go over,
and then back to the ship again. That night we went into the canteen
for a drink and at the next table were some merchant seamen asking
if we knew where we were going. At the time we did not know where we
were going but had a good idea. They were scared that their ship was
picked to go on the Arctic Convoy If they had known they would have
bolted. When I was waiting at York Station for the Newcastle train
the sirens went, well the train came in and departed on time. The
train was hardly out of the station when a bomb dropped on the spot
I had been waiting for the train, outside the station canteen. I saw
the damage when I came back off leave.
Scragg |
5.12.42 |
Humber |
6.2.43 |
Taken in hand Hull – refit, completion 18/1
Stoker 1st Class Peter Donnelly C/KX105291, age 23 died. |
On the 6 Dec my father was on watch and could not leave ship, So
Peter (Donnelly) went ashore and said he would bring some beer back for
the Lads. On returning on board he put the beer bottles in his trouser
pockets. The guard rail on the ship was broken and waiting repair. He
fell overboard and the weight of the bottles pulled him under, they
could hear the bangs from the bottles under the ship but because it
was dark could not find him or help. They found him in the daylight. It
was very sad as he was going to see his Mum and Dad that day.
Sheila Hill |