
Painting of HMS Jason
Source: Mark Bacchus
Date of Arrival |
Place |
Date of Departure |
Orders, Remarks etc |
7.1.43 |
Port Edgar |
27.1.43 |
Finished working up. |
28.1.43 |
Scapa |
? |
JASON part of
Ocean Escort for JW53 (26 ships) from Loch Ewe to Murmansk. With the
rapidly increasing hours of daylight meant the convoy had a strong
escort. Local western escort included Hazard (on 15/2) and Halcyon
(until 22/2).
The convoy
met storm force winds and heavy seas from the start, said to be the
worst weather ever encountered on Russian convoys. In the early
stages, Commander Lewis in JASON was in charge of the escort and
earned Tovey’s praise for his achievement in keeping even a
semblance of order in the confusion. For two days conditions were
extremely bad and several of the ships suffered damage. Most were
hove to, the merchant ships to preserve their deck cargoes, the
destroyers to preserve themselves. The cruiser Sheffield had the
armour plate torn off her A-turret by the heavy sea. The escort
carrier Dasher put back to the Clyde for repairs.
1500 Sailed from Loch Ewe as
Senior Officer in Charge of Local Escort. Escorts in company HM
VIVACIOUS, were originally expected to join off the Loch Ewe buoy,
but all failed to make the rendezvous owing to weather and other
Source: ADM 199/73 JW53 Report of JASON
Able Seaman A J Clarke
on board JASON noted: ‘Mess decks flooded, clothing, crockery,
vegetables all floating about. Can’t sleep even if you wanted to –
merely hang on and hope for the best.’
He also noted that on
20/2 the temperature in the engine room was -10°F.
16.2.43 |
0820 Air A/S Escort arrived.
mustered 25 ships, organised in nine columns, remainder had been
unable to sail.
1530 HMS HALCYON joined.
1800 Air escort left.
Source: ADM 199 73 JW53 Report of JASON |
17.2.43 |
0800 Air escort arrived.
0930 LORD MIDDLETON’s signal timed 0902 received, stating
for’ard store room flooded and heaving to. Ordered MIDDLETON to
stand by and report on situation. On receipt of further details from
LORD MIDDLETON, ordered him to return to Scapa if inadvisable to
continue and as he and MIDDLETON were now out of V/S range sent
DIANELLA back to pass message. MIDDLETON’s 1215 was received at 1230
and DIANELLA’s 1459 at 1606, stating he was escorting LORD MIDDLETON
to Scapa. (Visibility during this period about 1 mile).
1120 Received HALCYON’s 1115 stating trawler KOMILES reported
lashings on deck cargo broken, necessary to proceed Faeroe Islands
to re-lash.
Passed signal to Commodore who made signal ordering
KOMILES to make good defects at Faeroe Islands and return to Loch
Ewe. As KOMILES had speed of 11 knots asked Commodore if he did not
think KOMILES could catch up with convoy after re-stowing cargo.
Commodore agreed and I drafted signal accordingly but signal could
not be passed as KOMILES was out of V/S touch.
1243 Received LORD AUSTIN’s 1228 stating KOMILES had left
convoy and was out of sight.
1328 Received LORD AUSTIN’s 1235 to Commodore stating that
KOMILES had re-joined convoy.
1451 Signal received from Commodore stating KOMILES had left
convoy for Faeroe Islands.
Source: ADM 199/73 JW53 Report of JASON
18.2.43 |
A.M. Heavy sea and swell from NW, V/S communication with
escorts difficult due to low visibility and height of waves; convoy
somewhat scattered and escorts out of position.
Hove to to carry out temporary repairs to ventilation
trunking aft which had carried away on Quarter Deck, thus causing
leak into LL and M/S compartments. Housed A/S dome to prevent damage
by sea and as A/Sconditions were very bad.
1500 Air escort arrived, reported 22 ships present. Told him
speed 4 knots.
Source: ADM 199 73 JW53 Report of JASON
19.2.43 |
Gale continuing from SW, heavy seas and swell, visibility poor.
1100 Received signal from Commodore stating KOMILES had
reported by W/T that hull was split and she was filling up, followed
by SOS but giving no position.
Set watch on MF/DF and Commercial Wave.
11.21 Commodore reported that at 0900 there were 19 ships in
sight and one had hove to to secure cargo.
1230 Passed signal to PYTCHLEY ordering HALCYON to proceed
back along convoy route until 1800 to look for KOMILES. I estimated
KOMILES had re-stored cargo at Faeroe Islands and had split his hull
in endeavouring to catch up and might be about 50 miles astern, but
on asking Commodore if any estimation of distance could be obtained
from strength of KOMILES’ SOS, received reply ‘Within radius of 30
miles’. I therefore ordered HALCYON back in the vain hope of finding
him and if unsuccessful by dark, hoped he might be seen by Convoy
JW53B coming up astern. I presumed that his SOS would have been
received by Shore Stations and other ships.
1435 Received signal from PYTCHLEY that he had been unable to
find HALCYON and that my signal had not been passed. Decided it was
now too late to take any further action.
20.2.43 |
Weather moderated.
0845 MIDDLETON reported 4 stragglers about 15 miles astern.
0925 Commodore proposed wheeling 90° to port for about 10
miles, then steering to Position C, in order to allow stragglers to
catch up, and requested an escort be sent back to bring them up.
Agreed at first, but as I estimated convoy was already 5
miles to port of its track, considered a diversion of a further 10
miles inadvisable, especially as convoy JW53B was expected to be
overtaking and that at this time smoke was sighted on the horizon on
the starboard quarter of the convoy.
Suggested that it would be preferable to reduce speed, to
which the Commodore agreed, reducing accordingly to 5 knots.
1003 Ordered MIDDLETON to investigate smoke and inform
stragglers of convoy’s position, course and speed.
1100 BLUEBELL and CAMELLIA joined escort. Aircraft patrol
arrived but departed before exchange of signals could be effected,
having been ordered to return home.
11.50 Received signal from LORD AUSTIN reporting damage by
weather (port lifeboat, bridge-rails and stanchions stove in, voice
pipe depth charge thrower missing, RDF wires carried away, Lewis gun
mounting bent), and one rating suffering from concussion. Was able
to confirm by 1712 that he was able to continue voyage.
2200 Convoy increased to 7½ knots. Unknown whether stragglers
and rejoined owing to poor visibility and intermittent snow showers.
2359 Detached PYTHCHLEY and MIDDLETON to Seidisfiord to fuel,
PYTCHLEY having previously reported they would have reached prudent
limit of endurance by that time.
Source: ADM 199 73 JW53 Report of JASON |
21.2.43 |
0800 Captain D 3 rendezvoused and took over command of the
convoy which was 36 hours behind schedule due to the adverse weather
conditions experienced.
H G A Lewis
Commander in Command
From The Commanding Officer HMS Scylla
It is considered that
the Commanding Officer, HMS JASON, handled the difficult situation
of weather, escorts and stragglers in a very able manner.
Source: ADM 199 73 JW53 Report of JASON
23.2.43 |
Finally the weather
moderated but the convoy was sighted by German aircraft.
24.2.43 |
U255 and U622 were
homed in but were prevented by the escort from pressing any attack.
25.2.43 |
Convoy bombed by 21
Ju88’s, no hits thanks to the fury of the barrage. |
26.2.43 |
Convoy again bombed by
21 Ju88’s, again no hits. Local eastern escort including Britomart
met the convoy on 26 -27/2. |
27.2.43 |
Main part of the convoy
(15 ships) arrived Kola Inlet where it was dive bombed by Stukas
damaging three ships. |
1.3.43 |
Able Seaman A J Clarke
1314 87/15/1)
‘I think the main
worry is going to be boredom as the Russians don’t seem to be very
Leading Wireman L F Leonard on JASON described their existence in
North Russia as follows:
‘JASON operated between Polyarnoe, Murmansk and
Archangel and we were allowed ashore in those ports. We visited
the Intourist Club in Archangel, and traded in the black market
when we got roubles from boys so that we could buy toothpaste,
soap and nutty (chocolate). Apart from a small allowance for
necessities, our pay was frozen whilst we were in Russia. I bought
a pair of skis emblazoned with the hammer and sickle for a bar of
nutty, but I later sold them to a Scottish dockyard matey for £5,
which I then regretted. We ran short of supplies, except rice, and
the Russians supplied black meat, which we called ‘yak’ – it was
terrible, and the black bread even worse. We had special clothing
– sealskin hats, leather sea-boots, heavy coat and what we called
‘flying suits’, and as well as a lifebelt we had a rope with a
loop front and back in case we went overboard. When ashore we had
to be careful with the Russian sentries, some of whom were very
large women and very trigger happy.’
13.3.43 |
Went from Polyarnoe up river to Mishukov, commonly called ‘bomb
ally’ as there are raids every minute of the day and night.
Relieved HMS Britomart our sister ship as AA guard ship. Just
astern of us can be seen the masts of HMS Gossamer sunk by dive
bombers whilst acting as guard ship.
Clarke |
18.3.43 |
Polyarnoe for boiler
clean |
26.3.43 |
The merchant ships City
of Omaha, Israel Putnam and one Russian ship left Molotovsk at
2030C/23, and took some time through the ice, which they cleared by
about 0630C/26, where they were met by HM ships JASON and Camellia,
who were later joined by two Russian escort vehicles. The convoy
arrived at Kola Inlet at 0645C/27.
Picked up three English
merchantmen who have been frozen in at Archangel. Miniature icebergs
can be seen floating by, the ice is just beginning to break up.
Temperature is 2˚ (F) below zero. The ship looks like an iceberg
Clarke |
27.3.43 |
Escorted the three merchantmen back to Murmansk and then took over
AA guard ship in bomb ally.
Clarke |
3.4.43 |
Extra special attack by
jerry. Many bombs narrowly missed the ship and the merchantmen close
by. Big fires ashore. Raid only lasted from 10.30 to 11.00 pm.
Clarke |
4.4.43 |
Kola Inlet subjected to
a high level bombing attack by Ju88’s. The Dover Hill was hit by a
bomb that failed to explode. There were no bomb disposal experts
available but JASON was ordered to lay off the merchantman’s quarter
and render assistance if the bomb exploded. For two full days the
bomb was excavated from the coal in which it had come to rest and
was dragged to the deck. Further bombing attacks shook the ship
during this work. Finally a Russian defused the bomb with a hammer
and punch and the bomb was dumped overboard.
See also:
http://www.fettes.com/scotsatwar/veteransreminiscences/doverhill.htm |
5.4.43 |
Jerry tries low level bombing and machine gunning. I get my first
crack at him.
Clarke |
16.4.43 |
Minesweeping at Iokanka (Russian Naval base) 200 miles up coast from
Clarke |
18.4.43 |
Went alongside at Iokanka to repair minesweeping gear, the first
British ship ever to go alongside here.
Clarke |
20.4.43 |
Continued sweeping with Britomart.
Clarke |
10.5.43 |
Dvina Bar |
15.5.43 |
13/5 Today we played our first game of football since joining the
ship. We played our sister ship HMS Britomart, and although we lost
7 – 1 that 90 minutes was the happiest I’ve spent in a long time.
For Kola Inlet |
16.5.43 |
Murmansk |
17.5.43 |
Wearing flag of SBNO N
Russia |
19.5.43 |
Archangel |
10.6.43 |
12.6.43 |
Kola Inlet |
1.7.43 |

HMS Jason
10.6.43 |
Today we shoved off from Polyarnoe with about 20 passengers each
(that’s Britomart and ourselves) 20 lads from the base who have been
here for 18 months and 20 survivors from a merchantman. Maybe this
means mail at last ??!!
Clarke |
12.6.43 |
We arrived at Polyarnoe today after a very rough trip… There in the
bay was a lovely sight – two British destroyers – Mahratta and
Musketeer. We went alongside Mahratta and the Britomart alongside
the other one… Yes there was mail, bags and bags of it, and stores
13/6 Britomart shoved
off for Archangel, we remain here for some unknown reason.
Clarke |
17.6.43 |
On 17th – 22nd June, Britomart was lent for
Russian escort duty to take icebreakers to the Kara Sea. JASON was
to have been lent also for this duty, but was retained at Polyarnoe
to accommodate the mail. This was not a popular move with the local
Russian Naval Staff, but they were warned that JASON would not be
available if the mail were not released. Reluctantly they did what
they could to have the mail released but they seem to have little or
no influence with any civil authority.
Source: SBNO North Russia 22nd Report |
20.6.43 |
Still alongside at Polyarnoe. It seems that the Russian’s won’t
allow the Base’s mail to land. We remain here with the mail aboard
until they do.
Clarke |
26.6.43 |
In accordance
with the Admiralty’s 1624 25th June the mail was handed
over to the Russians on the 26th June. JASON arrived at
Murmansk at 1000 after a long, tedious and often farcical meeting,
negotiations were completed by 1445. The first batch of officials
arrived on board at 1100 but refused to use the British lorry and
working party provided by JASON; the Russian lorry and post office
working party consisting of three young girls arrived at 1255. The
mail was then removed from the ship and loaded into the lorry which
was quite inadequate so the British lorry was loaded with the major
portion. This did not take long but the Postal official discovered
that two mail bags had been at one time torn and sewn up, and the
seals had come off two others, and he could not accept them until
the contents had been checked over. This was completed by 1400. The
Post Office then gave a receipt for the mail but the Customs Officer
could not be associated in that transaction and insisted on a
separate ‘act’. He disappeared for 45 minutes returning with his
statement which was almost word for word for the one he was asked to
sign originally. It is interesting to note that during the muster of
the contents of the sewn and unsealed bags one of the officials
remarked that none of them were there any Anti-Soviet leaflets; any
such of course would be quite redundant.
The urgency
for this mail to be released was stressed but my representative was
informed that the earliest a decision or any of the mail could be
expected was noon on 28th June
Source: SBNO North Russia 22nd Report |
28-30.6.43 |
Timoshenko’s intervention speeded up the release of mail slightly;
12 bags were received on 30th June as against 6 and 5 on
28th and 29th June 1943. I am sure that it is
realised how much all ranks and ratings dislike the possibility that
their mail may be censored by the Russian authorities, and welcome
the prospect of the mail coming by air under visa…
Source: SBNO North Russia 22nd Report |
2.7.43 |
We have had no spuds
for a month and we have to take pills and lime juice to prevent skin
diseases etc through lack of vitamins.
Clarke |
3.7.43 |
Archangel |
? |
23.7.43 |
Murmansk |
1.8.43 |
24.7.43 |
As we were nearing the Kola Inlet action stations was sounded and
before we could get up there, bombs were dropping all around and our
guns were opening up. Four Ju88’s had made the attack, setting a
merchantman on fire. Britomart stood by the merchantman while we saw
the other two home. Then dashed back and helped to put out fire.
Clarke |
25.7.43 |
10th Anniversary of North Russian fleet. A combined team
from JASON, Britomart and the Base played the Russians in front of a
crowd of 2 3,000. I was captain. We lost 3-2.
Clarke |
3.8.43 |
Archangel |
15.8.43 |
20/9 Soviet Naval Staff
wish to know whether the Admiralty would consider an offer to
purchase JASON and Britomart |
21.9.43 |
Feeling bored stiff with this inactivity. As far as I can make out,
we’re now waiting for the dark nights and then maybe, I said maybe –
we shall take the merchant packets home. Here’s hoping this is true.
Clarke |
29.9.43 |
Left Polyarnoe at 6.00 a.m. to relieve Britomart who is patrolling
the mouth of the Kola Inlet – we’re out here for four days. Nobody
seems to know the reason for this patrol but there’s a buzz that
we’re looking out for a British sub.
Clarke |
1.10.43 |
Still patrolling up and down, damned monotonous job this. Just on
midnight we narrowly averted a collision with a Russian sub who
surfaced just under our bows.
Clarke |
6.10.43 |
Today, Sunday, the skipper gave us our first bit of news about going
home. We, ourselves and Britomart … should be home before Christmas.
All this came about because the lads had started to kick up a fuss
about not being given any news. We all thought we were going to be
left up there to rot. I agree we’ve only been up here 8 months, but
8 months in this joint is enough to send anyone screwy.
Clarke |
? |
Kola Inlet |
11.10.43 |
JASON can be taken in
hand at Portsmouth 18th Nov. Request you will sail JASON
and Britomart together independently of convoys by West Coast Route
to arrive 17/11 |
29.10.43 |
Britomart and ourselves topped right up with oil today. At 10pm
tonight I heard the best bit of news I’ve heard for 8 months, our
two reliefs are due tomorrow.
Clarke |
30.10.43 |
Time 05.45 and I have just come off the Quarterdecks after seeing
our two reliefs, Seagull and Harrier, secure astern.
Clarke |
1.11.43 |
At this moment, 12.30 pm, we are slowly making our way up the River
Dvina, our first stage on the journey home. Two signals received
this morning by us and Britomart:
To JASON and Britomart
From SBNO Archangel (Captain Maund)
Good Bye. A safe
landfall, and a pleasant leave. Thank you very much for all your
splendid work in the White Sea. We shall miss both ships very much.
To JASON and Britomart
From SBNO North Russia (Rear Admiral Archer)
In wishing you good bye
and God speed I would like to add my sincere thanks for the
excellent work you have both put in whilst in these waters. I have
always felt every confidence that with either or both ships on a job
it would be well done, and it has been. May you have a well deserved
leave. You leave an excellent name behind you.
Clarke |
1.11.43 |
JASON and Britomart
form part of the Ocean escort for RA54A (13 ships), with Harrier and
Seagull providing part of the local eastern escort from 1/11 to
3/11. Halcyon joined as part of the local western escort from 10/11
to 13/11. Thick fog delayed the convoy but also hid it from the
enemy and it arrived unmolested at Loch Ewe on 15/11. |
With this convoy went HMS JASON (Commander H G A Lewis RN) and HMS
Britomart (Lt Commander S S Stamwitz DSC) who had also made a
lengthy stay in North Russia. I cannot speak too highly of the
service they have given during this period or the manner in which
both Commanding Officers have maintained the morale of their ships’
companies. They leave a very good name behind them with the Russians
who even offered to buy the ships, so impressed were they.
R Archer
Rear Admiral, SBNO North Russia
REPORT – 1st October to 21st November
13.11.43 |
Entered the boom at Scapa 2.00 a.m. Have done just over 3,000 miles
and not even a sign of jerry all the way, pity all convoys can’t be
like that. Secured along with Britomart to a buoy. 11.30a.m. cleared
lower deck and Vice Admiral Burnett thanked us for the good job of
work we had done under such trying conditions.
6.30 p.m. We are headed
for refit at Portsmouth.
Clarke |
14.11.43 |
Last night was the worst night I’ve had in the Navy. We came round
Pentland Firth and round Cape Wrath with a full gale blowing. I
don’t mind admitting I was scared stiff, we all but turned over
three or four times.
Clarke |
16.11.43 |
9pm Well here we are, safely anchored alongside Pompey harbour.
We’ve had some rotten times in the last 10 months but I’m not
complaining, we got back without a scratch and that’s all that
matters, now I’m looking forward to a few good times.
To JASON and
Britomart From C in C Home Fleet
Welcome back on
completion of ten months very good work under trying conditions. As
the only British Naval Units working constantly in North Russian
ports the minesweepers and trawlers are always under observation and
it is by their conduct, both in operations and ashore, that the
British Navy is largely judged. You have set a very high standard
for others to follow and I hope you will have a very good leave.
Clarke |