Having surfed the net recently I came upon my old ship H.M.S.
Franklin which I served on during my National Service between
23rd Jan 1948 to 21st August 1949 as an A/B CJX 827634.
As a National serviceman at the
time it is interesting to note that I was very lucky to be a
sea going member of Her Majesty's Navy as most joining when I
did were confined to shore based establishments.
Among crew members I noticed a
name of K Bostock, a S/A which I seem to remember and the
ship's Captain was P. Connell as far as I can make out on my
release papers
Our duties at the time was of
course survey work in the Goodwin Sands area and were based at
Sheerness. It was during this time that I got married , and now
coming up to my 58th wedding anniversary and another crew man,
Able Seaman Ronald Mackinnon (not sure of the spelling) was my
best man, all I know of this gentleman was he lived in the
Scottish Highlands. I would like to contact Ronald. If it is of
any use finding Ronald, I do believe he was champion boxer of
the Home Fleet at the time, I know this as he used to use me as
his sparring partner when we were on breaks at sea, giving me a
hard time if I ever managed to get one in as it were.
......memories are flooding
back on my time aboard H.M.S. Franklin.
I have a photo of a number of
crew men dressed as pirates, entertaining a load of children
on board at Christmas.

I also have one of my
charming wife sitting sitting on a well scrubbed wooden
capstan cover on the upper deck.
......so many memories have come back which
might cause a chuckle or two.
My duties on board were assisting
in the stores issuing all the grub to each mess for meals etc,
as you know each mess prepared their meals and was duly cooked
in the galley by the ships cook, on one occasion the cook was
taken ill and taken ashore and a volunteer was asked to do the
necessary, you guessed it, me.
On this occasion I issued tins of
corned beef, potatoes, pussers peas and onions and then cooked
the finest shepherds pie for the entire ship's company that got
me compliments from the skipper downwards, not only that, they
wanted me to remain cook for the rest of my service, together
with my other duties as "Tanky " ( Rum Bosun ), I had to