Standing Orders
No man must cease from his duty on account of
his being wounded and not give first aid to another until there is
a lull in the action or ‘cease fire’ is piped.
Should a lull occur, wounded may apply
dressings to their own wounds and those of others nearby, then
carrying on with duty, unless:-
If there is severe bleeding not stopped by
putting on a dressing, or signs of shock (pale, faint, cold and
unable to carry on with duty), they should go to nearest dressing
SERIOUS CASES (lying on deck) May be moved
Very Gently to less exposed position. Do not attempt to move
to dressing station. Stop bleeding by applying firm dressings or
if necessary, tourniquet. Cover him up.
When ‘cease fire’ is piped, all walking wounded
other than Minor Casualties go to nearest dressing stations.
Casualties from Upper Decks to Wardroom. Below
decks to sick bay.
First aid parties will constantly be about the
ship on the lookout for casualties.
You have been issued with a first field
dressing. Carry it and know how to apply it. Know where the first
aid containers are.
Dressing stations
Wardroom M.O. and 3 hands
Sick Bay LSBA and 3 hands
Stretcher cases to wardroom unless otherwise
Wardroom, cabins and cabin flat to form
‘hospital’. Non-medical personnel to keep clear unless on
essential duty.
Source: Extract from report of HMS Scott's Medical Officer R T James
1944 (ADM