Halcyon Class Minesweepers HMS Hazard
HMS Hazard Association Newsletters
Newsletter Dec 87
Newsletter Mar 88
Newsletter Mar 89
Newsletter Aug 89
Newsletter Nov 89
Newsletter Mar 91
Newsletter Oct 91




Ref. H.M.S.HAZARD's" first re-union at Wimbledon on Sat 24th Oct 1987

Perhaps this is as good a time as any to drop you a few lines to say how nice it was to have met a few old shipmates at the Hazard re-union. The evening sped by so quickly it was difficult to appreciate that we had all been talking ‘Full Speed’ for nearly five hours. I knew by my throat next day that I hadn't wasted many minutes 

The joy of meeting old shipmates for the first time in 41 years was quite something (The Cornish Press said "Tearful Re-union") I didn't see any tears, a hell of a lot smiles and recalling old times- we talked so much that the tremendous buffet, kindly donated and prepared by Sheila Hill's two sisters Teresa and Paula was almost forgotten. That buffet would easily have been in keeping with a high class hotel. 

We must all be greatly indebted to Sheila and her brother Eddy for so much research into Hazard's history, for booking the Sea Cadets hall, beflagging it, and generally acting as hosts. Even to using their cars to taxi us from stations to the hall and back. 

I'm sure the 'Girls' loved it an much as we did, so much so that Eddy's wife, Sue, in a very advanced state of pregnancy could be seen busying with the buffet and drinks and clearing up until a few minutes to midnight. Next morning at 1130 hours dear Sue gave birth to a 9lb 6oz daughter. Both Eddy and Sue were determined to see the re-union - I don't think as much can be said for Eddy regarding the birth, I believe he had a king size hangover next morning. I must add that nobody was the worse for drink come the end of the evening; some of us were in a singing mood and who wouldn't be after five hours?  

I was delighted to learn that Sheila had sent everybody a photocopy of the press report and photograph. I must here remark that the report did not in my estimation give anything like the credit due to Tibbs Hallford, Sheila Hill, Eddy Hallford and their sisters Teresa and Paula, not forgetting their wives and husbands for all the preparatory work they did to make our 'Get together' so enjoyable.  

I feel that in view of the lapse in year, 41 from Hazard going into reserve, up to a re-union in 1987, the Hallford family did very well to find 23 of us and then get 20 of us at the event. I also sense that the Hallfords are not going to sit on their laurels on past achievements, Sheila and Tibbs have been on the telephone to me recently to confirm that plans are to go ahead for an another re-union next October. 

For those of you who could not rendezvous with us in Wimbledon on the 24th Oct 1987, we sincerely hope you will join us in 1988, details will be promulgated nearer the date. You will be getting another screed from me about Easter, perhaps with R/V and date. 

Again for those of you who did not attend , we only had 1 representative from the CPO's & PO's Mess and only 1 from the Wardroom so not wishing to be too sad, but honestly facing facts, "Time like an ever rolling stream etc ", none of us are getting younger, so let's meet one an another while we can.  

Present at Wimbledon on 24/10/87 were: -

Tibbs   Hallford                   Sid Broad                           Bill       Goldstraw                Bill       Closier

Bill       Strickland               Charlie Wood                     Mike    Pratt                        Doug    Maule

Don     Matthews                Harry Eglington                   Stan     Stannard                  Steve   Keeler

Les      Rowe                      Frank Taylor                       Bill       Frewen                    Bill       Belcher

Sid       Bedwell                   Bill Graves                          Tom     McKnight


Wives, families and friends an well as the Senior Teacher from the St Albans Grammar School for Girls, Mrs Luck and her husband, also Barney  Hogg P.R.O. of the RN Association, Helston, Cornwall and his wife. 

It is almost   'UP SPIRITS', please keep in touch, Good Luck


Captain Tom McKnight M.N. Rtd 

5th Dec 1987 


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