Halcyon Class Minesweepers HMS Hazard
HMS Hazard Association Newsletters
Newsletter Dec 87
Newsletter Mar 88
Newsletter Mar 89
Newsletter Aug 89
Newsletter Nov 89
Newsletter Mar 91
Newsletter Oct 91





In spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of ?????? and with the days lengthening we may be excused for hoping the coming summer will be such, that all the snow and ice will just be a bad dream. 

In my December news‑letter you will have read that the King's Head is now under new management, and it was generally thought that it would be more convenient if our re-union could be held earlier in the year. It was also muted that a change in venue might be beneficial, several were in favour of Plymouth where the stop over could include a couple of days holiday. I requested all hands and friends to let me have their views. The replies were scant, and left me in a bit of a quandary regarding what to do about booking a hall .The replies were :- For Plymouth 14.  Against Plymouth  6. Abstentions   40. 

Weighing things up I hope I have made a decision which will meet with your approval. Bearing in mind that our Founder Member Tibbs HALLFORD is practically house-bound and would possibly not be with us if we met outside of London. Then we need to consider Sheila and her family after all the work she has done to get us together with the help of Eddy HALLFORD. I have made the necessary enquiries and booked the same hall KING'S HEAD, for 11th MAY.1991. 

Going back to Christmas and the New Year, I was very pleased to receive so many greetings from our Members and Friends. Several of you enclosed letters with your card with snippets of news and words of appreciation. I must thank Mick Pratt, Steve Keeler, Cliff Matthews, Peter Spanton for enclosing a donation towards the expense of postage etc. 

Bill Strickland sends his regards to all hands, he apologises for not attending our meetings explaining that he is a bit of a 'Loner' and re-unions are not up his street. We can appreciate his sentiments. Mick Pratt writes regretting not being with us in October, he has a Sister who needs some degree of care and attention. Mick has also sent me a cutting from the Sunday Express announcing coming Re-Unions and thought we might benefit from using this facility. Jenny CRAWFORD tells me she has suffered a slight heart attack and for a time was so doped with medication, she felt like a Zombie. Since when adjustments have been made and we hope she is now feeling much more like her former self. In a recent letter to Jenny I mentioned that I had been introduced to Oban Single Malt Whisky 14 years old. Jenny replied that on her Island of Islay they have no less than seven distilleries on full production, and by way of proving it, she kindly sent me two small bottles of excellent whisky. She further adds that perhaps a wee dram of Islay Single Malt would have been more beneficial to her than the drugs. Jim and Emily BISHOP have already booked a holiday in Scotland for May, I hope our dates haven't clashed. Jack WHITWORTH writes some interesting notes on cricket and football in Yorkshire, apparently he is involved with trying to sort out some of their problems, also the installation of flood lighting on several League grounds. Stan STANNARD remembers the late Harry SENIOR very well, they were both in the Depth Charge - Sweeping and Electrical Party on Hazard. We will all be pleased to hear that Connie and Stan have found plenty of interesting events going on down there in Lyndhurst. Stan is soon to hold an exhibition of Miniature Ships in Bottles in their Community Room, he is also studying Birds [Feathered Variety] that drop into their garden. So far he has listed 38 different species. Rev. Charlie GOLDSTRAW is probably in NEW ZEALAND at present visiting his Son and Wife. Ken BURRELL tells me he is the Chairman of the BULLDOG, BEAGLE and BOADICEA Association and will holding their re-union in Plymouth on the 17th May. Sidney SEARLE has completed his story of his time on Hazard and copies are available on loan. On behalf of our Association I sent Betty and Sidney a greetings card on the occasion of their 50th Wedding anniversary in late December.

Cliff MATTHEWS is a member of the York R.N.A. and last September they entertained the Russian Convoy Club [Much arm lifting, says Cliff]. H.M.S. 'YORK', Gulf war permitting, will call at Hull this month and after a dedication service in York Minster, the ensign of the old 'York' will be laid up in the Minster on the 24th March. Cliff. has received formal acknowledgment from H.M.S. 'Centurion' that his Russian medal is being progressed. Some of you may already know that Cliff served on our old ship until June 1938 so he really is one of our early birds. Len ELLIS was very enthusiastic about holding a re-union in Plymouth, it appears he has contacts there who could help with the catering. Something we could bear in mind for future years. Mrs. LUCK of the St. Alban's Girls School who with her husband John, have very kindly brought along the Hazard Bell to our first three gatherings, will be retiring later this year. We all wish her a long and happy retirement.  

Barney Belcher never fails to come up with something worth relating, he was as usual at the Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph and in the Albert Hall. Seems the Royal Tournament was celebrating its 100 years and Barney was proud to be there. The R.N.A. Christmas Card for this past Christmas shows the Parade of the Banners, and leading the parade is our Barney. Jack GLEDHILL met up with Curly MORLEY recently and during a chat Curly offered to loan Jack a book on the work of the Sweepers in the last war. It was of course 'OUT SWEEPS' and very interesting too. I know several of you have read it; if you haven't it is probably in your local Library, if not I have one you can borrow. Frank TAYLOR sent me the GANGES ASSOC'N. Christmas card depicting a very unstable MAST. Several ranks and rates are lined up beneath the yards; all had obviously been imbibing freely. The top of the mast is about 15 degrees out of perpendicular; the Button Boy is not 'appy' nor is young Jack underneath looking up at him. Thank you, Vera and Frank.

The Ladies, Bless 'em, Margaret Dilnutt, Mary Gray and Margaret Gunnell and Jenny Crawford all send their Very best wishes to all hands as do Mrs. Valerie Booth [Head Mistress, St. Alban's] 

A little story from Charlie GOLDSTRAW who recalls after a very tiring day of sweeping, lying in Stornoway, 'Finished with Engines' came as a very welcome relief. Off duty men glad to seek the warmth and comparative comfort of their hammocks, and soon fast asleep. Then, I suspect one of the duty watch looking for a spoon to stir his cocoa, pulled out the cutlery drawer too far, and the lot hit the lino with a shattering crash. The effect was, to say the least, instantaneous. Everyone jumped as though they had been shot. The genteel enquiries as to what the 'Blue pencil', 'Blue pencil' was happening is best left to the imagination. However, discovering they were all in one piece and being dead tired , they were soon back to the snoring, oblivious as to who the noisy idiot was. 

Many thanks Charles for that one, also for your very kind prayers on our behalf, especially for those who are sick among our members and their families. 

I have recently been corresponding with the Secretary of the Gossamer Association. They have decided to hold their next re-union in June, and if it is of any interest to those of you living near Tyne and Wear area I will include his name and address 

ERIC J. MORRIS Esq., Secretary, H.M.S. 'GOSSAMER' Association, 40a, Edwards Road, WHITLEY BAY, TYNE and WEAR. Tel. 091 252 2540 

Finally, we have a little over two months to our re-union. 



SATURDAY 11th MAY 1991.      6 PM to 11 PM 

Yours sincerely

Tom McKnight 

P.S. I would be grateful if you would bear this date in mind and accept it as an invitation. 

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