Halcyon Class Minesweepers HMS Hazard
HMS Hazard Association
Newsletter Dec 87
Newsletter Mar 88
Newsletter Mar 89
Newsletter Aug 89
Newsletter Nov 89
Newsletter Mar 91
Newsletter Oct 91




In the mid 1980's the family of Cyril (Tibbs) Hallford, who had served on HMS Hazard from 11th May 1942 to 11th Feb 1945, decided to try and contact their father's former shipmates.

Cyril (Tibbs) & Sheila Hallford


Sheila Hill and Eddie Hallford spent many hours telephoning and writing to people with the same names as the crew members and who happened to live in the areas their father recalled his shipmates as coming from. They contacted the Navy News and literally hundreds of newspapers and TV and radio stations to see if they could help. A few examples are shown below.



Photo: Tibbs Hallford and Sheila


Fulham & Hammersmith Guardian 24th Sept 1987

The Hallfords achieved remarkable success (at a time when the internet searches and the easy access to information that we take for granted today were not available) and gradually managed to contact around fifty of the crew. In 1987, after a lot of effort and a with considerable amount of support from Tom McKnight, they held their first reunion in London. A series of newsletters (see menu bar) were produced which kept the members up to date and contained details of this and subsequent reunions.


Up | Newsletter Dec 87 | Newsletter Mar 88 | Newsletter Mar 89 | Newsletter Aug 89 | Newsletter Nov 89 | Newsletter Mar 91 | Newsletter Oct 91

This site was last updated 17 Januar 2012