
HMS Seagull
Date of Arrival |
Place |
Date of Departure |
Orders, Remarks etc |
14.1.42 |
Scapa |
17.1.42 |
19.1.42 |
Humber |
11.4.42 |
21/1 Taken in hand by
Consolidated Fisheries Grimsby for extensive refit and preparation for
Arctic Service, completes 6/4 |
12.4.42 |
Rosyth |
12.4.42 |
13.4.42 |
Scapa |
23.4.42 |
25.4.42 |
Iceland |
26.4.42 |
26.4.42 |
PQ15 sailed from
Reykjavik on 26/4 with Bramble, Leda and SEAGULL as part escort. |
2.5.42 |
Heavy escort left the
convoy and Capt J Crombie of HMS Bramble became senior officer of the
CLICK HERE for Bramble's Report on
Convoy PQ15
At 2009 SEAGULL (Lt
Commander Pollock) with the destroyer St Albans attacked and brought
to the surface a submarine later identified as the out of position
Polish submarine Jastrzab. She was sunk by gunfire. |
Source: ADM 237/166 Convoy PQ15, QP15
Sinking of Polish
Submarine P551
Report of Commander S F Storeheill H.Nor.M.S.
St Albans
Whilst screening on port bow of convoy PQ15 at
2007 2nd May in position 73degs 01mins N. 17degs 32mins E, I
obtained A/S contact bearing 040 degs. range 2000yds. Ship was
turned towards contact and depth charges were set to 100 ft. Contact
was doubtful, double echoes being heard, and I decided to drop only
one depth charge then investigate further. At a range of four to
five hundred yards the target was classified as a submarine but
communication with depth charge position broke down at this point
and I was unable to order the full pattern to be fired. There is no
method of firing from the bridge.
Information as to the submarine movements was
passed to HMS SEAGULL who had joined me. At 2012 one depth charge.
was dropped. Contact was regained astern at 500 yards range, echo
low with marked H.F. Range was opened to 1500 yards and at 2017 I
went in for another attack on a course of 237 degrees. Echo was very
low at 2021 target was drawing slowly right: ship's head was put on
again and bearing remained steady with echo still low. At 2022 a six
charge pattern was dropped charges set to 100 and 150 feet. Prior to
the attack the bearing began moving left and my A/S Officer reported
that he could follow the target down the port side of the ship; I
ordered 'Hard Starboard' and delayed firing, in order to bring the
pattern closer to the target. When the disturbed water had died down
I saw a yellow smoke where the pattern had been dropped; this I
believed was the smoke from my new calcium flare, one of which I
always use to mark the position of an attack.
HMS SEAGULL attacked with a full pattern and I
found myself in a bad tactical position, having her almost dead
ahead. I therefore sheared out to port to station myself on her port
beam and ready to make another attack 90 degs to her present course.
A few minutes after SEAGULL's attack the
submarine surfaced about 700 - 800 yards away between 45 and 55
degrees on my starboard bow, on a course roughly at right angles to
mine and her bow pointing left. She was turning rapidly to port,
which I feared was an attempt to torpedo me. I accordingly put both
engines full ahead and ordered 'Hard Starboard'; I could not open
fire because SEAGULL was directly in line, but I opened up with 0.5
and 12 pdr. as soon as she was clear. My reasons for opening fire
were; firstly, to prevent another attack. Knowing the Germans as I
do, from the war in Norway, I consider them quite capable of
torpedoing one ship whilst crying "Kamerad" to the other. Secondly,
I wanted to create panic and so prevent them using the forward gun;
I also wanted to force the crew to remain on board and thus stop any
idea they might have of scuttling their ship. In the meantime I
intended sending my boarding party away, knowing the importance of
capturing an enemy submarine and her secret documents. Just as I
opened fire a flash was seen from the conning tower. The range was
now between three or four hundred yards. Just after fire was opened
my Liaison Officer pointed out that the submarine was British. I
ceased fire at once and then made the terrible discovery that I had
been firing on an allied submarine.
The dead and wounded were transferred to St
Albans and I then proceeded at full speed to rejoin the convoy,
where I hoped to transfer the wounded to HMS Ulster Queen as I knew
that she had a good sick bay. Unfortunately the constant threat of
air attack and U. Boat attack prohibited this and two more men died
during the night. I then had four dead on board and these men were
buried at sea at 1915 on 3rd May in position 73.01N, 28.06E, the
usual ceremony being observed.
On arrival at Vaenga Bay the five wounded were
transferred to hospital shore.
The names of the dead aboard St Albans were:
Petty Officer Czestav Kedziore, Polish Navy
Petty Officer Czub, Polish Navy
Leading Signalman J (Tom) Beard, Official Number
not known
Leading Telegraphist Martin Dowd, Official Number
not known.
Note: 2 Officers and 28 Ratings were saved and
taken on board HMS SEAGULL, arriving at Polyarnoe on 5th May.
Source: ADM 199/721
Extract from the Report of the Senior
Officer of the Escort, Captain Harvey Crombie HMS Bramble
I consider
that they were in no way to blame for the action which was taken.
They were escorting a convoy through waters in which it was a
certainty that many enemy submarines were operating and they could
afford no hesitation in their attack. P551 appears to have been 100
miles out of position. I have not had the opportunity of meeting
either of the surviving officers one of whom was badly wounded but
information has reached me that he stated he had had no sights for
six days.
3.5.42 |
At 0127 convoy PQ15
was attacked by six He111’s at low level, sinking three merchant ships
with their torpedoes. Three aircraft were shot down. 137 survivors
were picked up.
At 2230 the convoy was
bombed by Ju88’s scoring one near miss for the loss of one aircraft.
4.5.42 |
In the evening a
south-easterly gale blew up off the Russian mainland, filling the air
with snow clouds and concealing the convoy. |
5.5.42 |
The convoy arrived Kola
Inlet at 2100.
MESSAGE 2300/B 5th May 1942 From SO 1st M S Flotilla
arrived Murmansk. Regret to report loss of Botavon, Jutland, Cape
Corso as a result of attack by six torpedo aircraft at 2327 May 2nd
in position 73N, 19.40E.Attack carried out in good conditions and
aircraft appeared to be led in well by leader who may not have
carried torpedo. Indications that shadowing submarine may have
surfaced and fired torpedoes at same time. One aircraft destroyed
and possibly one other. 136 survivors including Commodore. Convoy
bombed at 2230 May 3rd in position 73N, 31.51E. Minor damage from
near miss to Cape Palliser only. One Junkers 88 shot down. Attack
badly carried out and hampered by low cloud. Convoy continuously
shadowed by one or more aircraft and or one or more submarines to
36E. Submarines driven off successfully by screening force forcing
them to dive and firing depth charges in vicinity.
21.5.42 |
At sea |
23.5.42 |
Local Escort for QP12 (17 ships) comprised Bramble, Gossamer, Leda,
SEAGULL and two Russian Destroyers. Harrier was part of the ocean
escort arriving Reykjavik 29/5 without incident. |
29.5.42 |
On the
evening of the 29th, 140 miles NE of the Kola Inlet,
Captain Crombie commanding the 1st MSF based at Kola joined
PQ16 in HMS Bramble, together with Leda, SEAGULL, Niger, Hussar
and Gossamer. The convoy divided and at 2330 Crombie’s section,
escorting six of the merchant ships to Archangel, was attacked by 15
Ju88’s while 18 attacked the Murmansk-bound ships. |
30.5.42 |
Crombie’s division,
proceeding in line ahead and led by the Empire Elgar, arrived at the
estuary of the Dvina on 30/5 where it met the ice breaker Stalin. They
began a passage through the ice lasting 40 hours. Confined to the
narrow lead cut by the Stalin, they were attacked by Ju87 Stukas in a
noisy but useless attack. This section of PQ16 passed
Archangel and secured alongside at Bakarista, a new wharf two miles
upstream. |
Commander Onslow, Senior Officer close escort reported that four
fifths of the convoy had got through.... ‘ due to the gallantry,
efficiency and tireless zeal of the officers and men of the escorts
and to the remarkable courage and determination of those of the
merchant vessels. No praise can be too high for either’.
31.5.42 |
Kola Inlet |
? |
The soviet
icebreakers Krassin and Montcalm were escorted to Archangel by HMS
Bramble, Leda, Hazard and SEAGULL. HMS Intrepid and Garland were
sailed later to act as cover against possible surface attack. The
whole force arrived at Archangel on 21st June. |
21.6.42 |
Archangel |
? |
26.6.42 |
At sea |
Bramble, Hazard, Leda and
SEAGULL formed part of the ocean escort for QP13 (36 ships)
from 26/6 to 28/6. Ocean escort included Niger (to 5/7 when she sank)
and Hussar (to 7/7). Thick weather meant the convoy was not attacked. |
30.6.42 |
Archangel |
4.7.42 |
8.7.42 |
CLICK HERE for Report on Attack
on U boat by SEAGULL and Bramble
25.7.42 |
Dvina |
29.7.42 |
29.7.42 |
The tanker Hopemount
sailed for Port Dickson with a heavy escort of two icebreakers and 9
other escorts including Bramble, Hazard, and SEAGULL. At the edge of
the icepack the escorts turned back leaving Hopemount and the
icebreakers to continue towards the Pacific by the northern route,
fuelling soviet escorts and merchant ships, turning back on 18/9. |
(After being dunked in a
tank of stagnant water after a game of football, Winn made his way to
…I dripped my stinking
way to the SEAGULL, lying near to us, whose No. 1, James Philipson,
had offered me the hospitality of their wardroom bath, whenever I was
passing… bolting the bathroom door, I luxuriated for half an hour,
licking my wounds with the last of the soap, and turning on the hot
tap with my big toe, the epitome of pleasure. Now I knew some of the
sensations of a miner, at the end of a shift, enjoying a pithead bath.
The comparison came readily into my head because my bath patron
(James) had considerable mining interests in Yorkshire… Coal was in
his bloodstream too, and he was longing to get back to his mines that
had been in his family for over a century. By the accident of being a
peacetime yachtsman, he now found himself in a minesweeper in North
Russia, where he was conscious that any competent RNVR lieutenant
could hold down his present job. But he hid away his sense of
frustration and futility under a bantering drawl and I came to find
his company more and more soothing as the days went endlessly,
monotonously by.
“What about taking in the
Welcome Inn tonight?” James suggested when I returned to the SEAGULL’s
wardroom, in a borrowed dressing gown. The In – spelt with one ‘n’ on
the signpost outside – was a hundred yards beyond the sentry’s lodge.
A wooden hut like any of the others in the straggling line that
stretched away into the flat, mud-coloured distance, it stood out from
the rest, even without its signpost. Not because it had a garage, but
because of its wide veranda. This was reserved for officers from any
ship moored alongside Ekonomia, while other ranks crowded into the
dining room, set with a dozen tables and served by Russian girls in
aprons and pretty blouses…
“Well, what about taking
in the Welcome Inn?”
More and more one got
into the habit of having to repeat questions which lay flat upon the
sultry, impotent atmosphere since less and less easy was it to obtain
any sort of positive reply. The native melancholy of the landscape was
taking its toll. One lay back in a chair and waited for something to
happen that never did. One couldn’t even make up one’s mind even to
cross the wood-piles, to reach the gate, to walk the extra hundred
yards. “I must go back to the ship,” I said again and didn’t move.
“Well, have a glass of gin before you go,” someone else suggested.
Again I shook my head.
Actually, I was longing for a drink, but it was no secret how low
stocks were, that all the flotilla were rigidly rationed – our own
wardroom supplies had given out altogether – and I was not going to be
that sort of guest. After all, I had had my bath. So I forced myself
to my feet at last. “Thank you very much James. It was superb.”
“Come again, whenever you
like, but next time…”
“Well if you could manage
a piece of soap,” he said apologetically.
They had no soap: we had
no baths and the drinking water tasted to such a degree of chlorinated
lime that it was insupportable, except with the addition of the lime
juice that was dished out from a special emergency cask, as a measure
against scurvy. Many of the men were beginning to break out in sores,
and I myself had a disagreeable rash over my hands and wrists which
made it difficult to sleep at might. The Captain kept pressing the
shore authorities for any sort of fresh supplies, especially green
stuff. But so far all that the Russians had been able to spare was a
side or two of yak which was so remarkably tough we all decided they
must have killed Santa Claus’ reindeer.
Extracts from ‘PQ17’ by Godfrey Winn who travelled to North Russia
aboard HMS Pozarica |
? |
Archangel |
22.8.42 |
23.8.42 |
Kola Inlet |
24.8.42 |
HMS Bramble (MS1), SEAGULL, Hazard, Salamander, Blankney, and
Middleton arrived from Archangel at 2300 on 23rd August bringing about
402 survivors with them including 30 hospital cases.
On account of the increasing
air activity in the Kola Inlet, the prospect of having these ships
here was not one that I enjoyed. Their arrival was timed for the
darkest part of the night (it is still light enough to read a
newspaper between 2300 and 0100 in clear weather) when German air
activity was at its lowest, allowing the safe transfer of survivors
and stores. After completing their transfers the four Halcyon
minesweepers moved out to 'hide' under Kildin Island before daylight.
Report of SBNO North
Russia Aug 1942 |
25.8.42 |
Archangel |
? |
13.9.42 |
Britomart, Halcyon, Hazard and Salamander joined QP14 (17 ships) from
Archangel as local eastern escort. The ocean escort included Bramble,
SEAGULL (until 26/9) and Leda (sunk on 20/9). The weather was poor
during the convoy, which finally reached Loch Ewe on 26/9 having lost
4 merchantmen and two escorts.
Report of Commanding Officer HMS Bramble Senior Officer
of the Close Escort (extracts)
The wind moderated in the
afternoon and with the assistance of Russian tugs the convoy assembled
successfully and weighed and proceeded at 1600 on 13th September.
Passage through the White Sea was without incident and in fine
weather. |
15.9.42 |
The first incident of note was at 0730 on 15th September when a Ju 88
commenced shadowing the convoy. The convoy at this time was being
escorted by two Russian fighters and it was hoped that they would
shoot down, or any way drive off this shadower. They appeared,
however, not to see her, in spite of crossing and re-crossing at what
looked like very close range to each other. Every endeavour was made
to call the attention of these fighters to this shadower by V/S but
without effect; eventually the British Naval Liaison Officer in the
Russian destroyer Uritsi reported that they were unable to communicate
with their fighters. HMS Middleton then fired one round in the
direction of the shadower. This, as I feared, had exactly the opposite
effect to that intended, and the Russian fighters disappeared home,
probably complaining that they had been fired at.
Report of Commanding Officer HMS Bramble |
16.9.42 |
During the following day the convoy was constantly shadowed in
daylight hours.The convoy made good speed and with the prevailing
current I realised that we were ahead of the estimated position
signalled by the SBNO, North Russia. On the other hand we were not
ahead of schedule based on the C in C Home Fleet's message of 12th
the afternoon of the 16th September the weather started to deteriorate
and the visibility to decrease and I realised that these factors
combined with the errors in position would make contact difficult
unless I reported the position of QP14. Not wishing to break wireless
silence I delayed making my signal by R/T until I felt certain that
the two forces were close enough for reception to be certain. The
signal reporting my position and speed was made at 1515 on the 16th
September. The weather continued to deteriorate during the night and
the convoy got a little scattered. I ordered HMS SEAGULL to return
along the track of the convoy and round up SS Winston Salem and Silver
Sword. SS Troubadour had been a very early straggler and the Commodore
had decided not to wait for her.
Report of Commanding Officer HMS Bramble
It is
snowing hard this morning. We have been spotted by a Dornier and
unless the weather favours us, I guess we will all be standing by.
Source: Diary of Jack Bowman who served on La Malouine |
17.9.42 |
The Rear Admiral (D)
Home Fleet was sighted at 0517 17th September and after the other
destroyers had joined an A/S screen was formed in which HMS Bramble
took one of the positions on the port bow of the convoy.
Report of Commanding Officer HMS Bramble |
18.9.42 |
The decks
are covered with ice and snow, and it is blowing a gale. We took on
oil from one of the tankers, this was done while under way. Some of
the seamen were brought in with their jaws frozen up. It is icy-cold
in the engine room. I have been so long without a good meal I don't
think I shall be able to eat one now. We passed the island of Good
Hope tonight.
Source: Diary of Jack Bowman who served on La Malouine |
19.9.42 |
We are
running alongside Spitzbergen today. It is all covered in snow and
ice. I am glad that I live in the U.K. We are being shadowed by
German aircraft all the time.
Source: Diary of Jack Bowman who served on La Malouine |
20.9.42 |
The weather during the
passage of the convoy was poor. At 0530 on the morning of the 20th,
U435 (Strelow) torpedoed Leda which was at the rear of the convoy.
Later that day another escort (Somali) and a merchantmen were
torpedoed. |
Report of Medical Officer, HMS Somali
'On September 20 H.M.S. Leda
was torpedoed and sunk. Her survivors were picked up by H.M.S.
Seagull, and included 6 casualties who had been immersed in the
sea for thirty minutes. Fortunately the air temperature at the
time was as high as 31°F,
and sea temperature 40°
'As the
Seagull had no medical officer on board, Somali was ordered to
close her and render medical assistance. A whaler was lowered
and I was transferred to Seagull.
'On board
her I found that one casualty from the Leda was already dead. I
could see no sign of injury on him and concluded that he must
have died of exposure. Two other men without obvious injuries
were receiving artificial respiration, but they too died shortly
afterwards. One other casualty had a fractured femur and burns,
and there was a second case of extensive burns which proved
remained on board H.M.S. Seagull, and the following day we
picked up a number of survivors from a torpedoed merchant ship.
were no further incidents, and we arrived at Scapa Flow on
September 26 and transferred the casualties to the Hospital Ship
This transfer of the Medical
Officer of the Somali to the Seagull was unfortunate in that his
absence was soon keenly felt in his own ship. Nevertheless, the
transfer may well have saved the medical officer's life because
H.M.S. Somali was herself torpedoed later on September 20.
Source: The Royal Naval Medical
Service Vol II, JLS Coulter |
22.9.42 |
0530 Three merchant ships
were sunk by U435, including one with the previously rescued Commodore
Dowding who was picked up by SEAGULL where he remained. |
24.9.42 |
A gale hit the convoy but
it abated on the 25th leaving the convoy struggling
southwards in a heavy swell. |
26.9.42 |
Bramble and SEAGULL left
the convoy for Scapa. |
29.9.42 |
Scapa |
30.9.42 |
1.10.42 |
Humber |
30.11.42 |
4/10 SEAGULL taken in
hand, completes 11/11 |
1.12.42 |
Scapa |
? |
15.12.42 |
SEAGULL was part escort
to JW51A (16 ships) which was the first to sail direct from
Loch Ewe (not stopping at Iceland), leaving 15/12 and arriving 25/12
without being discovered by the enemy. |