
HMS Salamander
Date of Arrival |
Place |
Date of Departure |
Orders, Remarks etc |
3.1.42 |
Murmansk |
26.2.42 |
5.1.42 |
and Britomart arrive at Kola Inlet from UK |
23.1.42 |
Sharpshooter, Britomart and SALAMANDER carried out searching sweep for
mines between Svyatol Nos and Gorodetski. Ships attacked by enemy
aircraft on both days. On 24th HMS Britomart shot down one Ju88. HMS
Britomart hit by two bombs which failed to explode, suffering only
slight damage and two casualties; one killed and one wounded. No mines
swept. |
17/2 Intend to sail
Hazard and SALAMANDER for UK with QP8. SALAMANDER requires
repairs to Type 128A |
22.2.42 |
Hazard and SALAMANDER local eastern escort to PQ11 (13 ships) |
25.2.42 |
submarine spare crew and repair party were embarked in SALAMANDER
and Hazard for passage to UK. |
1.3.42 |
The Commodore of QP8 (15 ships) sailed in the EMPIRE SELWYN;
the Ocean escort comprised just four ships, the 'Halcyons' HAZARD (Lt
Commander J R A Seymour, Senior Officer Escorts) and SALAMANDER and
the 'Flowers' SWEETBRIAR and OXLIP, the cruiser NIGERIA sailing in
support was not sighted. HARRIER (MS6) and SHARPSHOOTER and the
Russian destroyers GREMYASHCHI (Commodore) and GROMKI sailed as local
escort for two days. SALAMANDER’s asdic was defective, Sweetbriar’s
packed up on 3/3 and Oxlip’s refused to work. For the first three
days, the sea was flat calm and sheeted with ice. Thereafter there
were gale-force 10 south-westerlies then westerly winds which
scattered the convoy. The empty, lightly ballasted ships presented a
big surface to the wind making progress slow. On 5/3 clear visibility
allowed the convoy to reform, but the merchant ships LARRINAGA and IJORA did not reappear, and the latter was sunk by prowling enemy
destroyers. By noon on 6/3 the convoy was again lashed by a Force 10
gale with waves 40 feet high. The remaining 13 ships managed to reform
on 7/3 and at noon, 200 miles south-west of Bear Island, in falling
snow, passed through convoy PQ12. A position check between
Hazard and Kent revealed a longitudinal discrepancy of 95 miles. The
convoy later altered course to avoid the ice that had given PQ12
The 'Halcyons' and
'Flowers' had stood up to ice on 6th March, and to waves
forty feet high on the 7th.
On 6 March
the German battleship TIRPITZ was sighted at sea by the British
submarine SEAWOLF and convoys PQ12 and QP8 were in fact given distant
cover by the Home Fleet. The TIRPITZ passed 50 miles ahead of QP8 with
one of the destroyers, Z25, was less than 12 miles ahead. It was one
of Tirpitz’s destroyers who snapped up the IJORA. The convoy began to
disperse to their destinations on 9/3. SALAMANDER and HAZARD sailed
into Scapa Flow.
11.3.42 |
Scapa |
11.3.42 |
27/2 from H M Admiralty:
Vessel to be taken in hand by Messrs John Lewis Aberdeen for refit
7/3 from H M Admiralty:
above signal cancelled. Vessel to be taken in hand by Frasers and
Caledon’s of Dundee 21/3 |
12.3.42 |
Dundee |
14.3.42 |
12/3 Reference to docking
etc of SALAMANDER at Dundee are cancelled. SALAMANDER will be taken in
hand at Rosyth on 21/3 |
14.3.42 |
Rosyth |
26.5.42 |
17/3 from Rosyth:
SALAMANDER taken in hand for decking defects and alterations
24/3 Completes early May ex trials
1/5 D of C is 16/5 approx
21/5 D of C is 24/5 |
27.5.42 |
Scapa |
3.6.42 |
Further defect meant a
return to Rosyth. |
4.6.42 |
Rosyth |
14.6.42 |
8/6 completes 11/6 ex
13/6 will complete 13/6
13/6 Trial satisfactory and no defects disclosed on subsequent
examination |
? |
Scapa |
23.6.42 |
HALCYON and BRITOMART departed Scapa Flow escorting the RFA GREY
RANGER to Hvalfjord. |
26.6.42 |
Halcyon left Reykjavik with Britomart
and SALAMANDER as part of the escort for PQ17. The minesweepers
(with some other escorts) ringed the convoy at 3,000 yards range,
closing to 1,000 yards when air attack was imminent. They were also in
a position to investigate U boat activity. |
1.7.42 |
tinfish passed within 10 yards and another too close for comfort, but
apart from one small casualty caused by shrapnel, a bloke with a flesh
wound on his forearm, we came through unscathed.
Extracts from the Diary of Leading Signalman V Shackleton, HMS
4.7.42 |
0452 PQ17
suffered its first loss when the freighter Christopher Newport was hit
by a torpedo from a single He115 attack. Britomart was sent to
investigate whether the ship could be saved but reported at 0520 that
the engine room and stokehold was flooded. The decision was made to
sink the Christopher Newport. After unsuccessful attempts she was
later torpedoed by U457.
2020 25+ He111’s and Ju88’s attacked the convoy badly damaging two
ships such that Halcyon and Britomart were ordered to sink them.
2136 Convoy ordered to scatter. Britomart and Halcyon were ordered to
sail with Palomares.
The smaller escorts
including Halcyon, Britomart, and SALAMANDER were ordered to North
Russian ports as quickly as possible, spreading and proceeding
independently. All were worn out and tried to get some rest, but we
were bombed early on Sunday morning (5th) being narrowly
5.7.42 |
After being ordered to scatter SALAMANDER (Lt Mottram) with the rescue
ship Zamalek, the freighter Ocean Freedom and the oiler Aldersdale,
sailing together, were attacked by four Ju88’s. Their considerable AA
firepower caused the first 3 aircraft to drop their bombs short but
one pressed home its attack on Aldersdale, whose cargo included
aviation spirit, 5 miles astern SALAMANDER, which was so damaged that
the crew took to the boats. |
5.7.42 |
and in standing by to
pick them up was narrowly missed by a Ju88 who sprayed the decks with
his guns before dropping his load just off the beam. SALAMANDER had
the satisfaction of pumping three drums of .5 armour piercing rounds
after him. He sheared off, and SALAMANDER picked up the survivors, 56
in all.
An hour later with her
still being afloat, a boarding party was sent, I went with them to
salvage charts and confidential books. I dumped my share of books and
was giving a hand with some ammunition when the SALAMANDER shoved off
and began signalling frantically. I chased back to the bridge and read
the signal ‘Man your guns, plane is returning’. (Aldersdale mounted
more armament than SALAMANDER). I turned to report it but found that
the ship had again been abandoned, there was no one there on the
bridge, the wheelhouse, the chartroom or the upper deck, there was no
response from any of the voicepipes leading below, then I noticed the
falls of the last remaining lifeboat had disappeared. The Captain was
about to leave (down the falls he admitted later that he had entirely
forgotten that I was aboard). I hollered out my message, but was
immediately ordered to get in the lifeboat.
Jerry made no attempt to
complete his effort so we endeavoured to sink her by gunfire.
(According to a witness on board what followed was like an episode
from Harry Tate’s Navy. The first round from the 4” carried away the
stanchions and guard rail on the starboard bows. On attempting to
reload, the breech block fell off and couldn’t be replaced. The
Oerlikons opened up with about as much effect as peashooters against
an elephant and finally an attempt was made to ‘shake her up’ by
lobbing a depth charge under her stern).
We were halted in our
task by a W/T report that said a German destroyer was hard on our
tail, bolting along at 22 knots, so we stood not upon the order of our
going but went, coaxing after much persuasion 17 knots from our
engines. (SALAMANDER had been built and designed to give a maximum of
about 15 knots). Mathematical calculation of a weird race began, with
an unsettled future (in the water) as first prize, or a billet in
Stalag for runner up. We could keep out of sight, by virtue of
distance alone, for 12 hours at the most, and it was going to take all
of that time to reach nearest land. This was at 1745 on the 5th.
Shackleton |
5.7.42 |
Meanwhile, Zaafaran had been hit by
bombs. On seeing this from miles astern her sister ship, Zamalek,
headed towards her to pick up survivors, taking Britomart as
anti-submarine protection. All but one of Zaarafan’s crew and
passengers were picked up. Zamalek, Ocean Freedom and Britomart now
proceeded after Palomares and Halcyon while astern of them,
SALAMANDER, having abandoned her attempts to finish off Aldersdale,
strove to catch up.
Sunday 5th.
Going NE all the time, almost up to the N Pole. Shadowing plane
still around. 700 miles from NP. Dive bombers attacked at noon but
were driven off by Britomart and AA ship, rescue ship and M
Packet. Dive bomber attacked ship on horizon, it sank in about 15
minutes. We went to help and pick up survivors but R (rescue) ship
was coming up so we did asdic sweep. Planes around all day.
Salamander came up from astern about 2100. Panic on board, we
thought it was a raider. No wireless all trip but just heard that M
ship got finished.
Diary of LSBA
William Maslen, HMS Halcyon © Pauline Maslen MMIV
6.7.42 |
Shortly after midnight on
the 5th/6th a mast head was seen by Halcyon on
the horizon closing rapidly.
At 0100 on the 6th
we were engaged by our sister ship Halcyon, who, seeing the truck of
our mast creeping up over the horizon, had fired on us in the belief
that we were the destroyer that was causing the fluttering in the
dovecote. Accordingly I had to climb the mast with a portable Aldis
lamp to establish identity. How I regretted that I was the senior
signalman on watch. We caught up with them eventually to learn that
they had ‘spliced the mainbrace’ in anticipation of an action (our
rate of closing was much faster than SALAMANDER’s maximum speed). No
such luck for us though.
Later that day Britomart
was sent around Cape Stolbovoi to make contact with the Russians at
Lagerni, explaining (with some diffculty) that the ships wanted the
haven of an anchorage. That afternoon, Palomares (towing the out of
fuel walrus aircraft from HMS Norfolk), Britomart, Halcyon and
SALAMANDER, the crowded rescue ship Zamalek and the single merchant
ship Ocean Freedom dropped anchor. At a conference of the commanding
officers, the Arctic expertise of the minesweepers’ officers was
accepted that they should not attempt to break out east into the Kara
Sea on account of ice. (The aircraft was refuelled and confirmed the
impossibility of this idea).
Shortly afterwards they
were joined by Pozarica, Poppy and La Malouine. Although it was not
known if the surface threat had receded, La Malouine was sent to
render assistance to any merchantmen she could find. She returned that
evening with four ships, Hoosier, Samuel Chase, El Capitan and
Benjamin Harrison, that struggled through the deteriorating weather to
the anchorage. Shortly before midnight, Lotus, her decks crowded with
survivors steamed into the anchorage to a chorus of cheers.
7.7.42 |
At dawn on 7/7 three
trawlers, Lord Austin, Lord Middleton and Northern Gem arrived,
desperately short of steam coal. They replenished from Ocean Freedom.
At a conference aboard
Palomares concerns were expressed that the anchorage could quickly
turn from haven to trap if they were discovered. The merchant Masters
wanted to wait for more naval support and rely on their massive AA
firepower to protect them until it arrived. It was, however, decided
to sail and a message was passed to the SBNO Archangel via the
Russians radio station.
At 1900, Lotus led the 14
ships out, running into fog which sent one of the merchantmen back. |
Tuesday 7th.
Weather fine ‑ wind very strong. Novaya Zembla ‑ awaiting decision
to carry on. Skipper of HM ship refuses to go on further without an
air escort. Visibility moderate. 50‑50 chance getting through with
it. Left N Z at 1700, seems to be taking a chance ‑ same way as we
came in. 16 ships in all. 14 survivors taken aboard from
Diary of LSBA
William Maslen, HMS Halcyon © Pauline Maslen MMIV
8.7.42 |
At 1630 the ships
encountered an extensive ice field which broke up the convoy’s
cohesion as for several hours they blundered about. Zamalek became
stuck on an ice ridge for some hours. El Capitan found a boat with 19
survivors from the John Witherspoon.
The anti-aircraft ship
Palomares radioed all the ships to report their present locations by
wireless, and all dutifully reported in except SALAMANDER, who thought
any wireless transmission at this stage most ill advised. She
maintained a discreet silence.
Source: The Destruction of
Convoy PQ17 – David Irving |
9.7.42 |
In the early hours,
Britomart, Halcyon and Lotus broke out of the fog and ice, sighting
Samuel Chase, Ocean Freedom, Lord Middleton and Northern Gem.
Some 40 miles ahead,
SALAMANDER, El Capitan, Hoosier, Lord Austin, Poppy, La Malouine,
Zamalek, Palomares and Pozarica also regained clear weather and, yet
again miraculously, sighted the remaining 29 survivors from John
Witherspoon who had been adrift in two boats for three days.
At 1100 a ‘small convoy’
(the ‘Palomares group’) was reported by the Germans and three U boats
homed in on it. Aware it was being trailed, no attempt could be made
to detach ships to put the sub down because of an acute shortage of
fuel. This group was forced west by the ice and was now steaming
south-west (towards the enemy airfields in Norway) in sunshine with 20
miles visibility and light winds. Forty Ju88’s appeared and moved in
from different directions while U255 observed from astern. Three bombs
damaged Hoosier and she was abandoned, the crew being rescued by La
Malouine. With ammunition stocks becoming very low, Russian air cover
was requested but no fighters appeared. |
10.7.42 |
0200 El
Capitan was damaged by near misses from bombs but continued her
0400 Near
misses stopped Zamalek’s engines but no ships were sent back to her.
She made good repairs and chased after the group, catching it up to
cheers from the other crews.
0600 A lone
Ju88 stopped El Capitan with a near miss, her crew being rescued by
Lord Austin.
1230 Two
Russian destroyers joined and led the remaining ships of the
‘Palomares group’ into Gourlo where they headed for the River Dvina,
securing alongside at Archangel at 1600. |
11.7.42 |
1100 Sixteen Ju88’s attacked the second group of Samuel Chase, Ocean
freedom, Lotus, Halcyon, Britomart, Lord Middleton and Northern Gem.
The attack lasted 90 minutes, brining the Samuel Chase to a
standstill. The group now split into two. Britomart and Northern Gem
escorted Ocean Freedom while Halcyon took the Samuel Chase in tow and
Lord Middleton provided anti-submarine cover.
The Samuel
Chase was in serious difficulty. Just after passing Cape Kanin,
Halcyon came upon her drifting helplessly. Her master signalled: ‘Two
direct hits, three near misses, main steam line broken. Shall we
abandon ship?' He replied 'Do not abandon ship - we will take you in
tow.' There then followed a very fine piece of seamanship. The
minesweeper had reciprocating engines, which enabled her to pull a
considerable weight. Very efficiently a strong tow was shot over to
Samuel Chase and Halcyon gradually increased engine revolutions and
both screws began to thrust; the merchantman began to move. The two
vessels made a steady five knots south to the White Sea, ready to cut
clear if they should be attacked, until after some hours, the
Americans, fired no doubt by the example of the little 1,000 ton
sweeper, managed to get their engines going again and finish the
journey under their own steam. In recognition of Halcyon's assistance
the master of the Samuel Chase asked that the minesweeper be allowed
to escort him into harbour, which she did.
PQ17 Convoy to Hell by Paul
Lund and Harry Ludlum
Both groups continued to fight off attacks with Ocean Freedom being
damaged by a near miss but not stopped. In the late afternoon, Russian
hurricanes at last provided air cover, Hazard and Leda hove into view
and two Russian minesweepers joined, taking the weary convoy in to
11.7.42 |
Dvina Bar |
? |
11.7.42 |
The survivors from the Honomu were rescued by Halcyon, SALAMANDER and
Hazard - extract from PQ17 Convoy to Hell by Paul Lund and Harry
‘One of the most dramatic rescues was made high up in the Barents Sea
by SALAMANDER and Halcyon, along with a third minesweeper, Hazard. A
Russian Catalina out on patrol had spotted three rafts and radioed
back their position with an estimate of the direction on which they
would drift. The three sweepers were sent out from Archangel to find
them. They were given nine days for the search as they were needed for
minesweeping work. This gave them three days to reach the area, three
days to look for the rafts, and three days to return.
reaching the area of search the three ships found perfect weather but
the first twenty-four hours of vigilance slipped fruitlessly by and
everyone was beginning to feel disheartened. 'What sort of fools
errand is this?' was the question asked on Halcyon. Every man was
badly strained and tired after the activities of the past two weeks;
no one had had more than four hours sleep for what seemed years.
However, they were fortunate in having absolute quiet for their search
on the sunlit sea, for no U-boat echoed on the Asdics, no bomber
marred the blue sky. As they got back into regular routine men's
spirits rose and they began to take an interest.
the afternoon that began the third day of the box search the
atmosphere was tense. The night hours passed quietly, the sun just on
the horizon shedding on the ripples of the sea a path of crinkling
gold liquid. It was an eerie scene and there was a sudden inexplicable
feeling that they might find the lost seamen after all. This despite
the fact that the survivors had been afloat for thirteen days, and the
minesweepers were only going on calculations made a week before by the
Russian pilot. Though they were tackling the impossible, excitement
mounted and hopes rose as the short time grew shorter.
But at 7.30 a.m. the black Arctic fog descended. This seemed the end.
Their time was up at noon and they were helpless in the fog. All they
could do now was to feel their way and hope. At 8.15 a.m. on Halcyon
there was the usual anti-freeze routine on the guns, a few test rounds
being fired by each. Now, all those not on watch below came and stood
shivering on the upper deck, either cursing the fog or silently
praying for it to rise. Sometimes it would lift just enough to let
them see SALAMANDER, but not Hazard which lay 200 yards farther off.
At 11 a.m. the coxswain served the rum and all went below for their
tot, then returned. There was no argument or lively banter as usual,
just a strained silence.
Halcyon's captain had ordered the Very pistols fired. He now sent the
signal for the last lap. For this last half hour everyone lined the
rails, watching waiting, praying; and at a quarter to twelve, just
fifteen minutes to go, a miracle happened. The fog lifted. First they
saw SALAMANDER, and then Hazard's ghostly shape appeared. A faint
cheer sounded - or was it their overstretched imagination? No, it was
not, for right between each ship was a raft crammed with men waving
weakly. They began to shout 'God Save the King! We knew you would save
us'. They had heard the gunfire and paddled wearily towards it.
The sweepers dropped their scrambling nets. On SALAMANDER a seaman
missed with his first attempt to throw a line to one of the rafts.
'Limey', said a cracked and dry voice, 'I have been on this raft for
thirteen days and could do better than that!' After taking thirteen
men from one raft - there were more than thirty survivors in all from
S.S. Honomu - SALAMANDER moved off to drop depth charges in case a
U-boat was near. Aboard Halcyon the survivors were too weak, and their
feet too swollen, to stand, but otherwise they were in surprisingly
good shape; from the first day they had taken turns at four hours on
the paddles and four off, and during the off period had washed their
deadening feet with salt water. Only a coloured who would not do this
later lost part of his foot with frostbite. The U-boat which sank
Honomu had surfaced on the third and sixth days of their ordeal,
giving them more water.’
19.7.42 |
Kola Inlet |
21.7.42 |
With 21 survivors from
Honomu |
Wednesday 22nd.
Halcyon, Salamander, 4 sub chasers and 3 merchant
ships on way to Archangel ‑ no scares. Weather very misty ‑ mist
came on thicker at night and we had to drop anchor for the night.
Thursday 23rd.
Still at anchor waiting for fog to clear. Fog cleared about 1030
‑weighed anchor and on way. One merchantman broke down.
Salamander stopped with her and we went on with the others.
Diary of LSBA
William Maslen, HMS Halcyon © Pauline Maslen MMIV
24.7.42 |
Archangel |
9.8.42 |
2.8.42 |
A great morale booster for us while we lay alongside, came after a
get-together of the officers from the fleet sweepers, and the three
trawlers to help to try and get rid of the boredom that was creeping
gradually over us all, both officers and men alike. They came up with
the idea of holding inter-ship sports of various kinds; in some of the
sports the trawlers were classed as one ship, the men from all three
who wished to take part putting their names down for any type of sport
which took their fancy, and were then chosen for a team to represent
us all. This made for great rivalry, and despite the weather, we
enjoyed some good sport and fun, either by taking part, or by just
watching and cheering the teams on to do their best aided by some
ribald comments.
The Northern Gem's own newspaper,
the Sunday Buzz, Vol 1. No 1, for Sunday 2nd August 1942, gives this
story and the following list of results:-
Sports. . . Despite inclement
weather, we have enjoyed some good sport during the past week, in
which the trawlers have by no means disgraced themselves. For the
benefit of future historians the results are summarised below. We hope
that these events are only the forerunners of a series of contests,
thoughtfully provided to relieve the monotony of our sojourn.
Whaler Pulling |
Shooting |
Whaler-cum- Canoe Race |
Sailing |
(1) Halcyon
(1) Halcyon
(1) Halcyon
(1) Britomart |
(2) Trawlers |
(2) Britomart |
(2) Leda |
(2) Leda |
(3) Britomart |
(3) Leda |
(3) Trawlers |
(3) Trawlers |
(4) Leda |
(4) Northern Gem |
(4) Halcyon |
(5) Lord Middleton |
(5) Britomart |
Tug of War: At the time of
going to press this event had not been held.
published by William Kimber, 1984 |
14.8.42 |
Archangel |
22.8.42 |
23.8.42 |
Kola Inlet |
24.8.42 |
HMS Bramble (MS1), Seagull,
Hazard, SALAMANDER, Blankney, and Middleton arrived from Archangel at
2300 on 23rd August bringing about 402 survivors with them including
30 hospital cases.
On account of the increasing air activity in the Kola
Inlet, the prospect of having these ships here was not one that I
enjoyed. Their arrival was timed for the darkest part of the night (it
is still light enough to read a newspaper between 2300 and 0100 in
clear weather) when German air activity was at its lowest, allowing
the safe transfer of survivors and stores. After completing their
transfers the four Halcyon minesweepers moved out to 'hide' under
Kildin Island before daylight.
Report of SBNO North Russia Aug 1942 |
25.8.42 |
Archangel |
11.9.42 |
Tuesday 8th.
September Went to sea at 0645. Sweeping with "Sally" [Salamander].
AM guard and minewatching at night.
Diary of LSBA William
Maslen, HMS Halcyon © Pauline Maslen MMIV |
13.9.42 |
Britomart, Halcyon,
Hazard and SALAMANDER joined QP14 (20 ships) from Archangel as
local eastern escort. The ocean escort included Bramble, Seagull
(until 26/9) and Leda (sunk on 20/9). |
18.9.42 |
Britomart, Halcyon,
Hazard and SALAMANDER joined PQ18 as local eastern escort. |
25th Friday.
September At sea. Patrol ‑ Halcyon ‑ Sally [Salamander]
and 2 Corvettes. Merchant ships stuck at bar. A.S. patrol.
26th Saturday.
Sally and 2 Corvettes returned to harbour but we stopped
Diary of LSBA William
Maslen, HMS Halcyon © Pauline Maslen MMIV |
17.11.42 |
(28 ships) as ocean escort with Halcyon, Hazard, Britomart and
Click Here for
Escort Orders |
19.11.42 |
QP15 ran into severe
‘QP15 taught me that
there is nothing like the sea for cultivating humility.’
‘…all zigzagging was
abandoned as we met the fury of a full gale hurled at us with
hurricane force. Monstrous waves nearly mast high. Gradually we lost
touch with the convoy realizing that in these extreme conditions it
was to be every man for himself. Below decks was chaos as the ship
rolled up to 45˚. Then a mooring wire was carried away and wrapped
itself around the port screw, stopping the engine. Then a miracle
occurred and the wire untangled itself. Then the steering linkage
broke and we had to use the engines to steer. The situation was
critical. We were close to breaking point. Drifting towards the
Norwegian coast and the German airfields. Repairs were made and we set
course slowly for Scapa to husband our fuel reserves.
Then sea water started
leaking into the boilers. We had to stop the engines and repair the
leaks (three holes were plugged using matchsticks), We were sitting
ducks while we waited. When the repairs were completed, we proceeded
to Scapa and met some destroyers. An earlier search for us by
destroyers had returned to Scapa with negative news and it was assumed
that we had been sunk.
Our survival was
miraculous, we realized it, looking at the missing guard rails, the
bent stanchions and widespread damage above deck, and remembering the
chaos on the messdecks, the sickening rolls and the shuddering of the
hull. Never was Scapa so welcome.’
Extracts from the Diary of
Leading Signalman V Shackleton, HMS SALAMANDER IWM Ref
See also press
cutting from Daily Herald 2.1.43 – One Ship Against the Arctic by A J
McWhinnie. |
20.11.42 |
0145 Convoy reached position Lat 75.06N Long 45.02E. Weather
deteriorating, wind shifted to SSE force 7, wind and snow squalls.
Visibility poor. Between squalls alteration of course at position CC
was made to all ships.
1600 Convoy at position
CC (Lat 75.06N, Long 40.36E). Necessary alteration of course was
made for position DD. On this course the wind and sea were two
points abaft the beam on the port side and ships were labouring
considerably. Wind SSE force 7, frequent heavy wind and snow squalls
of force 8/9, very high sea, visibility very poor and reduced to
zero during squalls. Fog signal sounded at 15 minute intervals and
leaders of columns to windward were heard but none from columns to
leeward. By 1830 no fog signals from other ships were heard. 2200
Wind decreasing in violence, squalls less frequent but heavy
confused seas running.
Extract from ADM 237/166 Convoy PQ15, QP15 Report of Commodore Wm C
21.11.42 |
1150 SALAMANDER with several ships in company and steering on
south-easterly course passed close astern from starboard to port.
SALAMANDER signalled new route (via south of Bear Island) and gave
her course as 225º. Visibility was low at the time and it was not
certain that the whole signal was received. Course was immediately
altered to 225º in an endeavour to keep contact with this party.
1200 Lat 75.06N, Long 28.58E.
1300 Several merchant
ships were dimly sighted on port beam and taken to be the SALAMANDER
party. When called by Aldis Lamp a reply was received from Bryony
stating that Sharpshooter with ten ships was there. Bryony took
station on port bow. Ships on port side were lost sight of in
darkness and haze.
Extract from ADM 237/166 Convoy PQ15, QP15 Report of Commodore Wm C
25.11.92 |
Even from the interchange of the few signals I had had first with
SALAMANDER and now with Halcyon I could not but be impressed by the
cheerful way in which these very small ships were coping with their
difficulties. With so little reserve of speed, conditions in these
vessels must have been even worse than in a destroyer. Halcyon must
have wondered more than once what happened when his fuel gave out in
a position of which he was very unsure; and I would like to express
my admiration for the manner in which these small ships carry out
their vital, arduous and unglamorous work.
From Convoy Report by
Rear Admiral L H K Hamilton Rear Admiral Commanding First
Squadron (ADM 199/721):
26.11.42 |
SALAMANDER developed
serious condenser trouble and the destroyers FORESTER and IMPULSIVE
stood by her until she had effected repairs. She reached Iceland and
eventually Scapa Flow with HALCYON in company. |
27.11.42 |
Iceland |
? |
Britomart, SALAMANDER and Hazard making good defects. |
1.12.42 |
Scapa |
5.12.42 |
6.12.42 |
Aberdeen |
20.2.43 |
6/12 SALAMANDER suffered
a fatality while in Aberdeen when Stoker 1st Class Richard
Dalton SPENCER (D/KX 80427, aged 30, from Bristol) fell from a
gangway into the river, striking his head while falling.
father, John Twigg, was with Stoker 1st class Richard Spencer when he
fell and drowned in Aberdeen harbour. Source: Roger Twigg (son)
Taken in hand 7/12 refit
Aberdeen. D of C 12/2 |