21st MONTHLY REPORT – 1st May to 31st
May 1943 (Extracts)
During this month I have been able to visit all the various places
where Naval, Army and RAF personnel are stationed in this part of the
world, meet them all and meet also the Russian authorities at these
places and generally to be put in the picture.
regards Polyarnoe itself I have found Naval Party 100 in remarkably
good heart waiting patiently for two things, mails and (where
applicable) reliefs. Being cut off from the outside world these things
are bound to loom large in any community but especially so in North
Russia where the said community is also cut off from the local
inhabitants, contact with whom is to all intents and purposes limited
to official business – this isolation had to be experienced to be
believed. Thrown on its own resources the Party has got together a
really talented Concert Party who entertain their fellows and the
ships when they are in; a monthly magazine the Northern Light made its
appearance last month (a copy of the May number is attached to the
original document). Football and volley ball have started and then of
course there is the cinema on two nights a week. The latter is very
popular too with the Russians, and this despite the fact that the
films are being shown for the N’th time. The value of this medium for
showing our allies what life is like in a democratic country, the war
effort in Britain etc. cannot be over stressed and I hope this point
of view may be borne in mind when selecting the ‘reliefs’ for our
present batch of films – reliefs which are also somewhat overdue.

Speaking of reliefs and the visa question which causes so much
trouble, it occurs to me that the crux of this problem is that we in
North Russia are regarded by the Russians as part of the Mission,
whereas in point of fact we are nothing of the sort. Our duty here is
operational and if the Russians could be persuaded to look upon us as
such, much of the present red tape might be cut. When all is said and
done we are here solely for their benefit and apart from handling the
actual ocean convoys, do help them in other ways, such as,
communications, sweeping mines, minewatching, escorting their local
convoys, carrying oil fuel for them and so on. Personally I feel all
such visa formalities should be waived for operational personnel,
subject of course to any assurance and safeguard that individuals are
vouched for as belonging to the services…
find the Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral Prodorov so far to be easy to
work with and willing to cooperate after a somewhat shaky start due I
feel to inexperience of dealing with foreigners. Anyway, if he says he
will do something that thing is done and with a minimum of delay which
is a big advance on the methods employed by many others. He has a
somewhat reserved shy manner without being stiff and is, from all I
have heard, very conscientious and hard working…
Murmansk is a dreary place to look at in these days much of the town
has been destroyed and raiding aircraft still come over with fair
regularity. Living under such conditions must of necessity affect our
own personnel there and I feel it is a good thing that they will now
be able to have a change either by the summer migration to Archangel
or visits to Moscow or both. It is a matter for relief too that the
merchant ships waiting convoy home have all arrived without suffering
any further damage. Some of them had narrow shaves before they left
the Kola Inlet. The only two ships remaining are the damaged tankers
at present under repair Pontfield and British Governor.
During my visit to Murmansk I went round the docks, saw the storage
facilities, had the reserve ammunition arrangements explained, and
called on the naval Major General Dubrovin in charge of the port. He
showed me around his headquarters (underground) and then invited me
and my party to have a glass at the nearby Officers Club. This
developed into many glasses, at any rate as far as our hosts were
concerned, and a full luncheon as opposed to ‘bits’. This unexpected
meal caused a hurried re-arrangement of the programme. Dubrovin is a
jovial man and one who has looked after our ships repairing there
well, though I could have done without being so well looked after at
luncheon on this occasion when time was limited and business had to be
done afterwards.
hospital at Vaenga is running smoothly and while not filled to
capacity, the fact that it is in existence is conducive to much peace
of mind especially when one compares it with the general standard of
the local Russian hospitals. While at Vaenga I also saw our reserve of
provisions stored there, afterwards going on to Grasnaya by car to
call on General Andriev and to see the RAF stores ex-operation
Grenadine which are in the process of being sorted prior to being
either turned over to the Russians or utilised by the Navy. I found
the General very affable and willing (now) to co-operate to the full.
He has not always been so and in fact only a week before the Chief of
Staff Polyarnoe had to be approached to ask that the obstructive
tactics of the said General might be amended. The day I was there
butter would not melt in his mouth.
visit was made to Archangel the passage there in Jason and the return
in Britomart with four days ashore during which Captain Maund had a
full programme for me – all very interesting and instructive…. On
passage there we escorted a group of merchant vessels and on the
return passage escorted a laden tanker and the air cover provided was
much more in evidence than is usually the case. The surface escort
provided by the Russians was also on a much augmented scale; in fact
every care was taken of the SBNO North Russia who thoroughly enjoyed
being at sea again. While at Archangel Commander Lewis of Jason went
down with pneumonia and was seriously ill for some days; fortunately
he survived the crisis. The changeable weather at present is enough to
try the hardiest, the thermometer has been ranging on a forty degree
scale in 24 hours and is now just above freezing point with snow
second group of merchant ships to be transferred from the Kola Inlet
to the White Sea were sailed on the 8th May and
comprised…(10 ships). Escort was provided by the minesweepers and
corvettes, reinforced by three Russian destroyers, one of whom turned
back after the convoy had entered the White Sea. The Dvina Bar was
reached on the 10th May, and, the ice having dispersed,
escorts were able to enter the river and fuel.
minesweepers and corvettes were recalled from Archangel on the 15th
May in order to escort the third and last group of merchant ships. The
convoy (5 merchant ships) arrived at the Dvina Bar on the 19th
As a
result of a request by the Russian Staff for the transference of 8000
tons of oil from the White Sea to the Kola Inlet… and the Beacon Hill.
Having loaded at Molotovsk she sailed on the 23rd May
escorted by HM Ships Britomart, Bluebell and Camellia and two Russian
destroyers. She arrived in the Kola Inlet early in the morning of the
25thMay where arrangements had been made to discharge her as quickly
as possible. This was completed on the 28th May and she
sailed on the evening of that day for Archangel., in company with the
Russian depot ship Pamyat Kirova, and escorted by the Britomart and
Camellia, and three Russian ships. Two Russian destroyers and
Britomart remained in company for the whole of the passage … arriving
in Dvina on the 30thMay…
Admiral, SBNO North Russia
May 1943